Many members seem to be still nursing a hangover from Sushma Gupta's party last evening; which probably explains the large-scale absenteeism this morning. The Club has a special word for this malaise – “pakoria”. Derived from malaria (but not quite), it suggests indigestion caused by overeating party pakoras, especially during the monsoons. Nafisa (see pic) came running in late, saying that she could not sleep after the party as she had nightly visions of Shekhawat reprimanding her for doing a phunti!
Overeating at a party is a trait common to all ages. We want to make the most of what is served free, regardless of whether the stomach can take it or not. And if it happens to be a contributory party (as in the case last evening) we go berserk, anxious to derive maximum value for money. We punish ourselves and repent next morning. Yet, we never learn from the experience.
This evening we have another party coming up – and a heavy duty one at that, hosted by Arun Patil. Worse, many have contributed for the gift to gain admission. God alone can help them, should they again go all out for recovering their money’s worth. Rumours have it that Arun-bhai has budgeted for Rs 400 per guest, which should take care of alcohol also. Non-veg food is on the menu as well. There is also some talk (in hushed tones) of hijras being in attendance to entertain the guests -- such are the heightened expectations from the party. As mentioned in our last post, the evening should run into midnight.
It would be interesting to see how many members are able to survive this excess and be in a fit state to show up at the Garden tomorrow morning. Meanwhile, in our own humble way, let us wish Arun-bhai more prosperity, good health and every happiness in life.
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