Mr Krishan Narang, a restaurateur by profession, was with the well known Copper Chimney chain for a quarter century. According to some members who called on the bereaved family, he developed complications in his colon (large intestine) about a year back and had to undergo surgery. Tragically, the infection turned out to be malignant and before long, had spread to other organs of the body. He has since been undergoing treatment with Tata Memorial, even as doctors had given up hope for a complete recovery.
Last Monday, he developed fever and was rushed to the hospital in a “critical state” by an ambulance. Soon after admission, he drifted into coma from which he never recovered. “The irony of the situation is that it had to happen during the Ganesh festival,” Mrs Narang lamented. “We were having Ganesh Puja at home…”
We can only commiserate with her and her two equally brave children in their hour of trial. May the Almighty give them the strength and fortitude to cope with the tragedy and face the challenges of the future with confidence and grace. Our good wishes shall always be with them.
Renu Babani says:
Heartfelt condolences on Sandhya Narang's loss. I never knew her personally, but it is never easy and only time will heal the pain. Regarding the picnic, everyone has their own reasoning and it is best to be respected. No one can be forced. So best leave everyone to their own beliefs and whatever makes them happy. Those attending the picnic, rest assured it will be fun and a great outing. Let's make the most of it and hold no grudges against the rest.
Neha Pai says:
I just read about your husband's demise. Sorry about your loss. He must have suffered a lot. May his soul rest in peace. Sorry, I did not write earlier as I just checked your article on the blog. I am in the States and I used to visit Copper Chimney when your husband was working there. So when I went for dinner there last year, I heard from someone that he had passed away. Do take care of yourself.
Heartfelt condolences on Sandya Narang's loss. I never knew her personally,but it is never easy and only time will heal the pain.
Regarding the picnic, everyone has their own reasoning, and it is best to be respected. No one can be forced,so best leave everyone to their own beliefs and whatever makes them happy.
Those attending the picnic,rest assured it will be fun no doubt,and a great outing.
Let's make the most of it,and hold no grudges against the rest.
i just read about your husband's demise, sorry about your loss, he must have suffered a lot, may his soul rest in peace, sorry did not write earlier as I just checked your article on bing, I am in the states, and I used to visit cooper chimney when your husband was working there, so when I went for dinner there last year, I heard from some one that he had passed away, you take care of yourself.
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