Of them, Shekhawat appears to be most excited. He would be out for the longest period and like any bright-eyed school boy looking forward to his annual vacation, has everything lined up to the last detail till he returns on October 28. He spoke at length of his travel plans, the visit of his son in between, the temple atop a hill near his village where animals are still sacrificed during the festival, the evenings he would spend over booze and friends… He also extended an open invitation to members of the Club to visit him whenever they please, adding that he would send a jeep to Jaipur railway station, if required.
Surely, Shekhawat’s going away would leave the Club headless for some time. There’s of course, Arora-sah’b and Yusuf-bhai we would be rallying around. But it is not going to be the same. The kind of liberties we are used to taking with Shekhawat will have to be contained to some extent. Besides, there’s one thing about this man: Even if nobody comes in the morning, you can count on him to make an appearance as surely as night is followed by day. This speaks of his military background.
Renu Babani says:
Mr Shekawat will be missed for sure. His comments on those who do not attend regularly, not forgetting the fact he is on his mobile all the time (most probably with one of the members). However, everyone needs a break and looks like many members are getting ready to head out to different locales. I am sure all of you will have a great and safe trip. Come back soon all of you, each of you will be missed!
1 comment:
Mr. Shekawat will be missed for sure. His comments on those who do not attend regularly, not forgetting the fact he is on his mobile all the time (most probably with one of the members). However, everyone needs a break, and looks like many members are getting ready to head out to different locales.
I am sure all of you will have a great and safe trip.
Come back soon all of you, each of you will be missed!!!
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