The first casualty would be attendance. Many of the smiling faces we are accustomed to these days would disappear. All those who take pride at being regular would then show up disheveled with a scowl on their faces, if they’ve not already cursed the world and gone back to sleep. The common consensus is that only a fool, idiot or moron would venture out to do Ho-Ho, Ha-Ha with other fools, idiots and morons on wintry mornings.
Winter also brings its share of problems for the elderly. Our music system has thrown up its hands after Arora-sah’b refused to listen to its repeated protests over age-related issues. It had been coughing and spluttering for some time, before turning suddenly choosy about the music it wanted to play. Despite all the coaxing and cajoling (even slapping), it refused to play CDs of Talat Mahmood and Hemant Kumar. Finally, Arora-sah’b had to relent and put it to retirement.
Another elderly member, Hari Naraiyani (left)is complaining of dry skin and chipped lips, which prevent him from talking too much and smiling – among other things. But more bothersome is the persistent pain on the right side of his lower abdomen. He does not know what it is and does not want to know. He firmly believes that should he consult a doctor, he would be treated as a guinea pig.
S.R.Rane is also suffering. He has contracted conjunctivitis and yet, bravely walked into the Garden wiping his eyes. Coincidentally, at that very moment, Rahat Fateh Ali Khan’s song was playing on Kishor bhai’s tiny handset: “Tum jo aaye, zindagi mein, baat ban gayi.” The connection was not lost on anybody. Everybody smiled politely, but Nafisa had to jump at her chance: “Tum jo aaye… toh baat bigad gayi.”
Keep laughing!
Renu Babani says:
Oh, the sweet sleep on a wintry morning, huddled under the blanket, warm and cosy, and then trrrrrrrrrrrrriinnnggggg... goes the loud alarm screaming in your ears, which makes you want you to literally curse at it, wishing you hadn't made the mistake of setting it last night. However, exercise beckons and you have to get up, so best make a habit of it, whatever the season may be. Yes, we meet daily, despite the season changing, although the days are shorter and we grumble, complain and whine constantly about the weather. Do we appreciate what we have -- each other, being able to have another day and seeing another day! So, let's appreciate today and live for tomorrow.
Harish Wadhwa says:
Nafisa said what 95% people experience and the balance 5% lie about. LOL. Parde Mein Rehene Doh, Parda Na Uthao; Parda Jo Uth Gaya toh, Baat Bigad Jayegi...
Harish Wadhwa says again:
Renu-ji, I am reminded of some lovely words after reading your comments: Today Is, Because... Yesterday Was... and, Tomorrow Will be. Thank the Almighty, that we see and experience a lovely day, every day.
Harish Wadhwa adds:
Rane-sa'ab is strictly advised to keep his eyes wandering only at the members of the Club and the soothing green grass and the exercises. He should refrain from winking at the bold and the beautiful walking around in the early hours of the day. This is the only quick cure for sore eyes. Just on a lighter note, Rane-ji!
Renu Babani replies:
I totally agree with you Mr Harish. We are so lucky for each day and honestly, I think one should appreciate more. We tend to forget how much we have and take things for granted. The mere fact that we are able to get up, walk and face another day is worth being thankful. So let's not forget to appreciate every small thing bestowed upon us.
Oh the sweet sleep on a wintry morning, huddled under the blanket, warm and cosy, and then...Trrrrrrrrrrrrriinnnggggg!!!...goes the loud alarm screaming in your ears, which makes you want you to literally curse at it, wishing you hadn't made the mistake of setting it last night.
However, exercise beckons, and you have to get up, so best make a habit of it, whatever the season maybe.
Yes, we meet daily, despite the season changing, although the days are shorter, and we grumble,complain and whine constantly about the weather.
Do we appreciate what we have...each other, being able to have another day and seeing another day!
So,let's appreciate today and live for tomorrow!
Nafisa only said what 95% people experience, and the the balance 5% lie....LOL....
Parde Mein Rehene Do Parda Na Uthao,
Parda Jo Uth Gaya to Baat Bigad Jayegi...
Rane Saab is strictly advised to keep his eyes wandering only at the members of the club & the soothing green grass, and the exercises. He should refrain from winking at the bold and the beautiful, walking around in the early hours of the day...This is the only quick cure for sore eyes...Just on a lighter note Rane ji...
Renu ji and Derek, I am reminded of some lovely words after reading your comments & blog.
Today Is, Becasue ...
Yesterday Was ... &
Tomorrow Will be.
Thanks Almighty, that we see and experience a lovely day, everyday.
I totally agree with you Mr. Harish. We are so lucky for each day, and honestly, after hearing about Mr. Arun, I think one should appreciate more. We tend to forget how much we have and take things for granted. The mere fact that we are able to get up, walk and face another day is worth being thankful. So,let's not forget to appreciate every small thing bestowed upon us.
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