Morning fog, late sunrise and the chill factor are reasons for the erratic attendance these days. Of late, another factor has come to play. This being the wedding season, many members are keeping late nights and unable to wake up early. As Shekhawat-ji (below,left) observed, “Shaadi-vyah ka time hai, sab soh rahey hain abhi!”
There are just a couple of days left for the year to end and some people have only now woken to having a New Year’s bash in the Chinese Hut this week-end.
Significantly, Bapu Rane (left) expressed his displeasure (for the first time) over “meaningless” parties and celebrations, when the time and money spent on them can be utilised for more worthwhile purposes. He is keen on creating a corpus for free medical aid to members in times of emergency. Dilip-bhai tried to reason with him that his is an expensive proposition, since a simple medical check-up costs Rs 5,000 nowadays. “But why can’t we get sponsors to underwrite the expenses?” argued Rane.
Bapu Rane has an issue with the Goa trip also. He wants to take a day-time passenger train, join the group in Goa and on his return, break journey at his village 200 km away. But then, he is not alone with his peculiar demands. Some members want to extend their stay beyond two nights at the Goa hotel, rather than “rush back”. For many, even two nights away from home is a day too long. Others want to make their own travel arrangements because the railway concession for senior citizens would not apply to “juniors” in the family who would inevitably tag along. Above all, everybody wants to know what the trip would cost per head and Shekhawat-ji doesn’t have even a ballpark figure yet.
Indeed, things are getting curioser and curioser.
Harish Wadhwa says:
I am wondering what Grover-saab is up to in this picture. Looks like he is going to jump!
Anonymous says:
Hey, I was checking this blog using the phone and it appears to be kind of odd. I thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless. So do not mess that up.
I am wondering what Grover Saab is up to in this picture. Looks like he is going to jump !!
Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.
- David
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