Well, there is tension in the air for sure. Arora is in a foul mood. Somebody (name withheld on request) has needled him so bad that he is ready to take that person’s case. Dilip Babani is restraining him while Renu looks on, zapped out of her wits at the sudden turn of events. Shekhawat is trying to broker peace, saying, “Kya zaroorat hai yeh sab ki?” Sitaram is totally at sea and is obviously at pains making sense of the proceedings. Words like “Pehn di takey” fly thick and fast (though Arora has not seen Yamla Pagla Deewana yet.) Kishor Babani is the sphinx, who knows everything, but refuses to get involved.
Now, look at the picture closely and you get another version of the story. One of the ladies (name withheld on request) had jokingly commented that Arora appears much too sullen and grumpy for comfort these days.
There is yet a third story to the picture. Arora’s birthday is coming up on January 22. Dilip-bhai’s birthday was on January 10. They want to now host a joint celebration this Saturday at the Chinese Hut for Club members. So here they are, ‘gracefully’ inviting the ladies to grace the occasion. Others look on, confused.
Now, which of these three stories are you inclined to believe?
Harish Wadhwa says:
1. Very interesting pictures. Looks like a morning Stand-up Qawwali Muqabala with Arora-ji and Mrs Harbans Singh in the lead. Mr Arora's expression speaks a lot, but I am sure the pic was taken moments before he burst into laughter -- like he does often. Ladies, as usual, are more composed and smiling.
2. Hai agar dushman dushman... Hum kisi se kam nahin, kam nahin!
Renu Babani says:
Amazing, isn't it? Every face has a story to tell and all depends on how people tend to scrutinize and make up tales as they fancy. In regards to Mr Arora, the poor gentleman seems rather in a daze. He may feel fine but with everyone literally deciding on his moods, guess he has no choice! The various reasonings and stories seem to be flying fast and furious, not giving him a chance to even explain. Kindly leave the gentleman alone to whatever mood he maybe in. After all, he is entitled to at least that. Besides, it is morning, and trust me, even I am not in my element at times. Albeit, Mr Arora, thorough gentleman as he is, seems to have taken things in stride as usual and had left everyone pondering what on earth is wrong with him? I am sure the joke was on us!
Bhaswati Bose says:
Obviously, the third story is correct. Arora-ji and Dilip-bhai are inviting everybody for their birthday party on Saturday.
Very interesting pictures. Looks like a morning "Standup Qawwali Mukabala" with Arora ji and Mrs. Harbans ji in the lead.
Mr. Arora's expression speaks a lot, but I am sure the pic was taken moments before he burst into laughter like he does often. Ladies as usual are more composed and smiling.
Amazing isn't it? Every face has a story to tell,and it all depends how people tend to scrutinize and make up tales according to their own fancies?
In regards to Mr. Arora, the poor gentleman seems rather in a daze. He may feel fine according to him but with everyone literally deciding on his moods, guess he has no choice!!!! The various reasonings and stories seem to be flying fast and furious, not giving him a chance to even explain.
Kindly leave the gentleman alone to whatever mood he maybe in, after all he is entitled to at least that. Besides, it is morning, and trust me, even I am not in my element at times.
Albeit, Mr. Arora, thorough gentleman as he is, seems to have taken things in stride as usual, and bet left everyone pondering what on earth is wrong with him?
I am sure the joke was on everyone else....!
Hai agar dushman dushman,
Hum kisi se kam nahin, kam nahin ....
Obviously, the third story is correct. Arora ji and Dilip Bhai are inviting everybody for their birthday party on saturday.
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