Meanwhile, ‘Gyan Guru’ Kishor Babani unwittingly pulled off the biggest joke of the day. Yesterday, he had enlisted the participation of all those interested in watching Yamla Pagla Deewana on Saturday and accordingly, brought their tickets this morning -- only to find that some more members were interested in joining in.
As one ever ready to be of help, he uncomplainingly collected their share of money and promised to book their tickets today. There was a minor accounting issue as the tickets rates were slightly over-priced (this being the first week-end of release) and he had to collect the differential from each member. Here he is seen (above) with brother Dilip (in red striped T-shirt) tallying figures.
At the end of all the jiggery pokery, Kishor-bhai had a confirmed list of 18 paid members for tomorrow’s screening. An additional nine tickets had to booked. So our man takes out his car, makes a second trip to Cinemax and finds he’s arrived too soon in the morning. Again, not one to complain, he smilingly goes home and before long, sets out a third time for Cinemax. This time he is lucky and books the nine tickets.
Mission accomplished, he returns home triumphantly, having all 18 tickets in his possession. And then it strikes him: He has booked tickets for everybody, but not for himself! So again Kishor-bhai takes out his car and dutifully drives all the way to Cinemax to book a single ticket for himself…
Now, what can you say of this man?
Harish Wadhwa says:
1. Kishor-bhai is always willing to take the lead and do something for others. His jovial self and noble personality is worth admiring.
2. Blog Monster, I would like to see the main picture changed -- similar to the one you had last time where one can see so many smiling faces and people laughing away to glory. This pic, though of surya puja, shows the backs of all people.
3. Nice to see that there are so many movie buffs interested in seeing the newly-released movie. Have a great time, enjoy a lot of popcorn and bring back some nice memories to share.
Nice to see that there are so many movie buffs who were interested in seeing the newly released movie. Have a great time, enjoy a lot of popcorn, and bring back some nice memories to share.
Blog Monster, I would like to see the main picture changed, similar to the one you had last time, where one can see so many smiling faces and people laughing away to glory. This pic though of Surya Puja, shows the back of all people.
Kishore bhai is always willing to take the lead and do something for others. His jovial self and noble personality is worth admiring.
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