The simmering discontent over this issue was put to rest when Shekhawat-ji (above), soon after the morning prayers, appealed to everybody not to see too much into all the merriment that goes on among us in the mornings.
“Haan, jawaani toh khatam ho gayi,” Mumtaz Jahan butted in cheekily. “Ab hansi-mazaak ke din aa gaye.”
Her attempt to diffuse the tension did not work though. Mrs Harbans Singh (right) was quick to intervene on behalf of the detractors: “We don’t say you must not have fun, but everything has to be within limits.”
Before Shekhawat could reason out, Nafisa registered her protest against the wet blankets bent upon spoiling our fun.
Much as the discussion was inconclusive, the good thing was that an effort had been made to resolve a vexatious issue before allowing it to fester like a dull sore. There are bound to be different points of view in every group and ours is no exception. It goes to Shekhawat-ji’s credit to draw out the dissenting voices and for better or the worse, move on. Nahid Khan though had the last word when she saw everybody happy after having their say. “Hasnaa manaa hai!” she cautioned.
Additional reporting by Renu Babani:
All said and done, let's just leave things as they stand as one cannot please everyone. It is sad that some members misconstrue certain words when there is no harm intended at all.
Now on a lighter note, my observations of the members who arrive at the Garden before 7 a.m.: By the time, Kishor and Renu arrive, Mr and Mrs Bose are already sitting on the bench, doing pranayam. Mr Grover, follows suit after his walk. The three of them are joined by Kishor, after his two or three rounds in the Garden. They are busy chatting away, laughing and enjoying the weather in general.
On the opposite side, one can see Mrs Nahid Khan listening to her music and just relaxing. Tara Chand-ji sits around, after a few walks too.
Sunita-ji and Mrs Santosh (before she shifted residence) are usually sitting on the bench close to where the exercises will begin, chatting amongst themselves and greeting familiar faces. Razia and Nafisa, whenever they make an appearance, sit close by observing everyone else.
Mr Bose and the rest are joined by Mr Arora, and then in comes Mr Shekhawat. After a few words of fun and merriment, he leads the group to start the exercise.
Sometimes as I am walking by, I wonder what on earth are these people talking and maybe, one day, I too shall join them... Yes, I'm just curious, I guess!
Harish Wadhwa says:
I don't recall Yusuf-bhai mujhe kya funda sikha rahen hain...LOL. I just know to laugh and that, to be happy should be the only motto of this group. So just have a great time.
Well I don't recall Yusuf Bhai mujhe kya funda sikha rahen hain...LOL. I just know that to laugh and to be happy, should be the only motto of this group. So just a have great time. Regards Harish
All said and done, let's just leave things as they stand I guess as cannot please everyone. It is sad that some members misconstrue certain words, when there is no harm intended at all.
Now on a lighter note, my observations of the members who arrive at the garden before 7a.m.
By the time Kishor and Renu arrive, Mr. and Mrs. Bose are already sitting on the bench, doing 'paryanam'. Mr. Grover, follows suit after his walk. The three of them are joined by Kishor, after his 2/3 rounds in the garden. They are busy chatting away, laughing, and enjoying the weather in general.
On the opposite side,one can see Mrs. Khan listening to her music and just relaxing. Tarachandji sits around, after a few walks too.
Sunitaji and Mrs. Santosh(before the latter shifted to her new residence) are usually sitting on the bench close to where the exercises will begin, chatting amongst themselves, and greeting familiar faces. Razia and Nafisa, whenever they make an appearance sit close by observing everyone else.
Mr. Bose and the rest are joined by Mr. Arora, and then in comes Mr. Shekawat. After a few words of fun and merriment, he leads the group to start the exercise.
Sometimes as I am walking by, I wonder what on earth are these people talking, and maybe one day I too shall join them....yes just curious I guess!!!
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