On a good day, we are our natural selves – a happy-go-lucky, fun-loving group without a care in the world, but for getting on with the exercises happily. On another day, funnily, the same group turns into a morose bunch of uptight school kids, afraid of speaking out – lest they offend the sentiments of their 'elders'.
Today, Srichand Arora was witness to the group at its best behaviour. We went through our motions obediently, not uttering a word out of turn – let alone laugh. Barring Sunita Jajodia’s occasional outbursts and Bapu Rane’s attempts to humor us, everybody behaved as though s/he was being watched.
It was all a put-on – a sham. For, had Arora-sah’b come yesterday, he would have seen us having a ball while exercising – what with Yusuf Rassiwala being his garrulous self, Nahid Khan joking off and on in the middle, Shekawat-ji and Ramila-ben gunning at each other as usual, Bapu Rane jumping about, Mumtaz Jahan with her wisecracks… just like the old times. There was no fear in anybody’s mind.
The fear is not of bodily harm or to be reprimanded.
Shekhawat-ji has for long, been dreading this and lest there be any confrontation, did the disappearing act to the toilet just before the Slow and Fast laughter round. Yesterday he was gung-ho, all guns blazing during this round. A couple of days earlier, on a similarly uncomfortable situation, he disappeared. This has not gone unnoticed and some members are now teasing him for the escapades. What they do not realize is that Shekhawat-ji’s behaviour is only symptomatic of the schizophrenic character our Club is beginning to display now.
In these circumstances, preparations for the picnic (above) on the 13th of this month has come as a timely diversion.
Dilip Babani says:
Exercises should be done in a good mood and free mind. At the same time, we must follow the rules and respect our elders so that their feelings are not hurt. Life is to be enjoyed and letting others enjoy. If I hurt somebody, I hurt myself. This is what we are taught in Satsangs. We must all enjoy our precious lives and free ourselves of narrow-mindedness. Dil bada rakhne-ka, sab ko pyar karne-ka!
-- Dilip
1 comment:
excercise is done on good mood&free mind but at the same time we must follow the rules also
& we must take care of respectable elders so that their felling should not be get hurt.
dear life is to enjoy & let other enjoy god is one which is in everydoby body so that means we r one if i hurt somebody else i hurt myself only this is what guruji teaches in satsang so we must not think that he is like this or that whatever he is he is made from god
so we all enjoy the precious life & make our body& mind strong by free & broad minded dil bada rakhneka sab ko pyar karneka .
dilip babani
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