Today’s big bash was a combo event hosted by three birthday girls and one birthday boy (above) – Hari Singh Shekhawat, Shanti Singh, Renu Babani and Neelam Garg. They are all April-born and had decided in advance to celebrate jointly, rather than organize things individually on different dates of the same month. By default, the Babani brothers Kishor and Dilip got into their act and did all the organizing at the cost of their morning exercises.
Our yoga “guru-ji” (right) delivered a short speech, felicitating each of the four members by name and wishing them a long and healthy life. A couple of ladies touched his feet and were promptly rewarded with a wet swab from a cotton wool (soaked in attar) on their wrists. Shekhawat-ji (as indeed, all men) let it pass and instead concentrated on preparing for his star act – a Rajasthani folk dance.
The way they all danced was sheer magic – the very highlight of a brief but memorable birthday bash.
Renu Babani says:
What fun we had today -- a party alongwith entertainment galore. Yes, our parties are never-ending, but we surely know how to enjoy ourselves. The birthday wishes came in from everyone, despite the fact it was no one's birthday today. We always find an excuse to party and just being together for that while. Sharing in the happiness is what counts. We may criticise one another, sometimes get irritated or angry on certain issues, but in the end we come together. We have learnt to forgive and forget. If this isn't true bonding and a silent understanding amongst one another, then what is?
Harish Wadhwa says:
Wow, Mrs Garg does wonderful ghoomer nritya. It was great to see the birthday folks in such a joyous mood: Thumka lagaa ke/ I'll rock your world/ Me Jodhpuri Girl/ Me Jodhpuri Girl... Happy Birthday, once again!
What fun we had today, a party alongwith entertainment galore. Yes, our parties are never ending, but we surely know how to enjoy ourselves. The birthday wishes came in from everyone, despite the fact it was no one's birthday today. We always find an excuse to party, and just being together for that while, and sharing in the happiness is what counts. We may criticise one another, sometimes get irritated or angry on certain issues, but in the end we come together and have learnt to forgive and forget.
If this isn't true bonding and a silent understanding amongst one another, then what is?
Wow, Mrs. Garg does wonderful Ghoomer nratya. It was great to see the Birthday folks in such a joyous mood.
Thumka Laga ke,
I'll rock your world.
Me Jodhpuri Girl,
Me Jodhpuri Girl.
Happy Birthday once again. regards Harish Wadhwa
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