Monday, May 30, 2011

Surface Tension

Belying all apprehensions, there was no fallout on the fireworks of last Saturday (see post). Everybody was quiet and peaceful, much as the tension in the air was palpable. A line has been drawn between “us” and “them” – the Laughing Club members and those of the Yoga Group. Some people, who belong to both the groups, are however, finding themselves in piquant situation.
Razia Khan is one such. Today, she formally handed over charge for organizing the Blue Waters party to Kishor Babani. She will be away for ten days at Bangalore from the day-after. Kishor-bhai will now have to continue the good work of collecting cash and finalising the restaurant booking for June 11.
Meanwhile, Ram Shankar Shukla (above, in white) celebrated his birthday today after the exercises. The birthday was actually yesterday, but since most members observe Sunday as a holiday, he decided to treat us to laddoos this morning. We wish him a happy and healthy life and many more birthday celebrations with us in the Garden.

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