And then we leave the Garden, disappointed.
The only action witnessed today was when the skies spluttered briefly during the laughter session, forcing us all to rush into the Chinese Hut and continue with the exercises there. Within minutes the rain subsided and we were out in the open again.
Earlier Kishor Babani made light of the gloomy situation by describing the sky as human, who had its peculiar moments of joy and sorrow. “When the sky weeps, we get rain,” he explained in all seriousness, only to correct himself moments later by drawing upon the analogy of other bodily effusions.
Bapu Rane also made an attempt to bring about some cheer by narrating an incident at his village involving a huge, burly woman and a thin, spindly man for a husband. Apparently they had got into an ugly fight in public and in no time, the man was flattened to the ground under the weight of his domineering better half. Rane found this incredibly funny.
Unfortunately, there’s a spot of tragic news from Renu Babani (right). She came in looking pale and pulled-down – the reason being she has lost her grandmother in Hong Kong. She was nudging 100 years and Renu can only console herself that her dear gran’ma, she had visited last year, is now in a better place. We commiserate with her in her hour of grief.
Bhaswati Bose says:
Dear Renu, sorry to hear about the passing away of your grand mom. Do accept my condolences. May her soul rest in peace.
Says Renu Babani:
Thanks for the heartfelt condolences. At least she is not suffering. And may her soul rest in peace. Someone sent me a nice passage regarding death and a new life which I would like to share with all:
"I know that all of our minds have been programmed to feel a sense of loss and remorse at a time like this. However, I would just like to also bring to the forefront that this is also a very beautiful time. This is when we need to stop what we are doing and just take a step back and look at the lives we are living because the ultimate truth is that tomorrow, without a doubt, it will be one of us. We are not humans trying to have a spiritual experience. Instead we are souls that have come down here to have a human experience and so it’s time to look deeply into the kind of human experiences we are having and which direction it is taking us. The ultimate goal is to bring everything into our lives in line with love and compassion. We all have our struggles and problems (which is a huge part of the human experience). However, we have to find a way to transcend beyond that because if not, that is what will ultimately keep us bound to this plane. Let us start to fill our lives with unconditional love, peace and compassion and witness divinity in everything and everyone around us."
Harish Wadhwa says:
Dear Renu-ji, very well said. My sincere condolences too. In fact, I also lost one of my uncles just day-before-yesterday and I can understand the pain. Anyway, life has to move on and our spiritual self will keep experiencing this human side of life. May
Anonymous says "Good article".
Dilip Babani (left) says:
Life is like bulbula, a tiny bubble. Any second it may burst. And the world is like a lodge. One comes here, stays and goes away. Nobody is a permanent resident. Everybody comes with a return ticket. But memories remain -- of love, kind deeds, unselfishness... for God lives in our heart. Be ready to help. That is real life. Otherwise we will be like other creatures who come to this world and do all sorts of things and go away. I will not write any more. Or else you will soon call me Dilip-baba!
--Dilip Babani
Harish Wadhwa responds:
Satya Vachan, Sri Sri Baba Dilip Babani!
Big Laaf says:
Don't miss the saffron T-shirt and halo on Baba's head!
Dear Renu, sorry to hear of the passing away of your grand mom.Do accept my condolences.May her soul rest in peace.
Thanks for the heartfelt condolences. At least she is not suffering and may her soul rest in peace. Someone sent me a very nice translation regarding death and regarding a new life which I would like to share with those who have either lost a dear one or not
I know that all of our minds have been programmed to feel a sense of loss and remorse at a time like this. However, I would just like to also bring to the forefront that this is also a very beautiful time.
This is when we need to stop what we are doing and just take a step back and look at the lives we are living because the ultimate truth is that tomorrow without a doubt it will be one of us.
We not humans trying to have a spiritual experience instead we are souls that have come down here to have a human experience and, so it’s time to look deeply into the kind of human experiences we are having and which direction it is taking us.
The ultimate goal is to bring everything into our lives in line with love and compassion. We all have our struggles and problems (which is a huge part of the “human experience”), however we have to find a way to transcend beyond that because if not, that is what will ultimately keep us bound to this plane.
Let us start to fill our lives with UNCONDITIONAL love, peace and compassion and witness divinity in everything and everyone around us.
(Blog master if you think this feasible to print it, otherwise no problem. I found it helpful in my time of sadness)
Dear Renu ji, Very well said. My sincere condolences too. In fact, I also lost one of my uncles just day before yesterday, and I can understand the pain. Anyway, life has to move on, and our spiritual self will keep experiencing this human side of life...May God bless each one of us with courage that we can face this hard reality of life and be able to overcome the bereavement.
By the way Kishore bhai made up for all the gloom today, with his nice jokes. He picks up some really good ones to cheer up everyone.
kind regards Harish
Good Article
world is lodge one has to come& perform his act in this world& has to go back. nobody is permanent.evrybody is having return ticket.but memories remains of unselfishness love,kind deeds by helping each other feel pity for poor & helping poor in any or kind ,never hurts anyone because god lives in heart.always ready to help in all the ways.
that is real life.otherwise life will be like other creature come in this world& do all the things what other animals do than die& go to god.i will not write more ontherwise club member will say dilip baba is coming.this all we get in satsang it is common idea we get it from guru & please dont say dilip baba.
really evrybody fell very bad when dear one depart.but same time we should understand one day we also have to is like bulbula, a tiny bubble of water. any second it may bust.
by the grace of almighty god we all should live happily& healty life by going regularly laughing club
dilip babani
dilip babani
Satya Vachan. Shri shri Baba Dilip Babani.
Regards Harish
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