Earlier, Kishor used to hold his durbar at a tea stall, adjacent to the Garden gate. The sessions, held religiously after the exercises, gave birth to the infamous Badmaash Company (see post of March 1, 2011). The tea stall has since closed shop and the action has now shifted a hundred-odd meters away to another tea stall, next to a tyre-puncture shop (above).
Effectively, the audience has turned more dignified and diverse. Not everybody would always have the stomach for the jokes, but Kishor’s style of narration has made them all addicts. What they cannot also help marveling at is how Kishor manages to come up with a fresh set of jokes, every day, without fail. You'd know they haven't been sourced from jokes' books or down-loaded from the Net. Today when Arora asked him, he tapped his head to remind us that he still has something left up there!
These jokes' sessions have a salutary effect not only on inter-personal bonding, but at lifting the spirits in the gloomiest of conditions (pic above). A bellyful of laughter in the morning leaves you with a smile on your lips and a spring in your step for the rest of the day – just what the doctor ordered.
The number of members in the Badmaash Company seems to be growing by the day -- thanks to Kishor-bhai and his 'laughter medicine' casting its effect for the whole day. Enjoyed the informal chai session today. By the way, Arora-ji is no less in pranks with his impromptu and witty gigs. And Bose-babu is sharp in capturing those moments.
I thank for the information.
The number of members in Badmaash company seem to be growing by the day. Thanks to Kishore bhai and his laughter medicine, which casts its effect for the whole day. Enjoyed the informal Chai session today. Arora ji is no less by the way, in pranks with his impromptu & witty gigs, and our blog monster Bose babu is sharp in capturing those moments.
I thank for the information.|
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