We got it... and more. And the obvious trigger was Sunita Jajodia celebrating her son’s engagement with sweets yesterday. As many were not present, they demanded their share of sweets today. Geeta being one of them, just could not understand why she should be deprived -- more so, when they also happen to be neighbours. Sunita dug in her heels, arguing it was not her fault that many were absent yesterday and she would certainly not oblige them by calling up Brijwasi Sweets.
While the exercises were on, the ladies kept teasing Sunita and she went on retorting in style (only to aggravate matters) even as Santosh Tyagi appealed to all to stop needling her friend as “she’s far too thick-skinned” to succumb. Monthi Serrao suggested she might as well get some bananas instead, which were readily available outside the Garden Gate. Meanwhile, Geeta remembered she had seen a car being towed away yesterday and wondered if it was Kiran Sajjan’s…
An exasperated Srichand Arora called for “order” and threatened to bring a whistle from tomorrow to silence the talkative ladies, only to be told it would make him appear a traffic cop. He then changed his stance by warning them that he’d make a man stand between every two ladies. Bapu Rane reminded him that they were more in number. Ultimately, when he saw he couldn’t fight them, Arora joined the ladies by insisting that Sunita atleast pay 11 rupees to every one (including himself) who missed her sweets yesterday!
In all this, let us not forget that today happens to be Arun Patil’s (right) birthday. Many of us have been guests to his birthday bashes in the past. Now that he is not celebrating and has shifted residence to Saki Naka, let us all wish him 'many happy returns of the day' and speedy recovery from his diabetic condition. He of course, says he is much better now. But still, please call him on 98190 06173 if you can and wish him. It would make him happy.
Many, many happy returns of the day, Arun-bhai. God bless you with good health.
Seems like a lovely fun-filled morning. The Garden must have been really enjoyable since the ladies decided to take over everything and everyone. I sure miss coming in the mornings but the antibiotics sure get to me. I don't know if I am fed up of the flu or vice-vera. However, now I am determined as ever to recover soon come what may. Kishor and I would like to wish Mr Arun a very happy birthday. Also Ramadan Kareem to those who are fasting this month.
Arun-bhai sounded very cheerful on his birthday today and said that he has recovered fully. May God bless him with a long life, good health and tons of happiness.
Renu-ji, wish you too a very quick recovery and that you join the morning gang quickly again. Today we missed you and Kishor-bhai for the laughter antibiotics, which we are getting addicted to.
many many happy returns of the day arunbhai god bless u with good health
dilip babani
Renu Babani says
Seems like a lovely fun filled morning
I am sure the garden must have been really
Enjoyable since the ladies decided to
Take over everything and everyone
I sure miss coming in the mornings but the
Antibiotics sure get to me. I don't know
If I am fed up of the flu or vice vera
However, now I am determinef as ever to
Recover soon come what may!
Kishor and I would like to wish Mr Arun
A very happy birthday
Also Ramadan Kareem to those who are
Fasting for this month.
Arun bhai sounded very cheerful on his Birthday today and that he has recovered fully. May God bless him a long life, good health and tons of happiness.
Renu ji, wish you too a very quick recovery, and that you join the morning gang quickly again. We all missed you and Kishor bhai today for the laughter antibiotics, which we are getting edicted to.
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