This kept Geeta thinking. Arora was there in front of her eyes, looking hale and hearty. Her suspicion instantly shifted to Hari Singh Shekhawat and Grover, both known to be unwell. But ultimately, it goes to the lady’s credit that she stuck to her gut feeling and did not second-guess with another name.
In all this, we had overlooked the absence of Ramila Mistry (left, above), whose birthday it was today. Well, she is doing fine – just that she is pre-occupied with some overseas guests these days. We trust she will be having a wonderful celebration at home, and on our part, let us all wish her many happy returns of the day, good health, peace and prosperity.
Another member we will not be seeing for a while is Pratap Bhatt (above, right). He has left with his family to attend the Saawan Utsav at Pushkar. We wish him a safe and happy trip and look forward to his return on September 1.
Today the constant chatter amongst certain ladies was quite a distraction. However, everyone somehow got involved and even the men seemed to be forgetting the routine. Actually it starts off with one or two ladies and slowly the rest join in. Then comes the blame game and no one wants to admit of starting the banter. I guess this is what we are all about. We just want to have fun and make the most of the morning. We have got so used to one another that if it gets too quiet, everyone wonders if things are alright. Do hope Mr Shekawat returns to the Garden soon. His will power and determination shall not keep him away and he'll be amongst us soon. Wishing Ramila a very happy birthday and God bless her always.
Janamdin Mubarak Ho, Ramila! Wish you a long and happy life.
Happy Birthday "Smiling Face"!
Today the constant chatter especially amongst certain ladies was quite a distraction. However, everyone somehow got involved, and even the men seemed to be forgetting the routine. Actually it starts off with maybe one or two ladies talking between themselves, and slowly the rest join in. Then comes the blame game, and no one wants to be the one to admit of starting the banter.
I guess this is what we are all about. We just want to have some fun, and make the most of each morning. We have got so used to one another, and if it gets too quiet, everyone wonder if things are alright.
Do hope Mr. Shekawat returns to the garden soon. His will power and determination shall not keep him away from the garden and be amongst all of us
Wishing Ramila a very happy birthday and God Bless her always.
Janamdin Mubarak Ho! Wish you a long and happy life.
Happy Birthday Smiling face !
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