It was not Mr Garg’s birthday today. Nor was it of his wife, Neelam. If it was their marriage anniversary, we weren’t told. All we were told yesterday was that G.R.Garg wanted to treat everybody to phapda-jalebi. But today, when the couple did not show up till well past the middle of the exercises, we had assumed that either they had forgotten about it, or else, this was meant to be a joke.
The other speculation doing the rounds was that this had to be some kind of celebration for Saawan or the rainy season. Kishor Babani’s by-now famous joke on “Saawan ko aaney doh” and “Aaya Saawan jhoom ke” kept the guffaws going. But still, nobody was any wiser, even as Neelam tried to explain that this was supposed to celebrate the “patenting” of a new exercise named after her!
Did she seriously expect anybody to believe her?
Many, many happy returns of the day to Garg dampatti. Wish we had known it before: We could have ordered a few more goodies like mithai, gulab jamun, samose, chai, dahi-kachori, wada sambhar, poha, bhajji... (Ungli doh toh haath pakad lete hain, yeh log toh!) I am also sure many must be benefiting from the Neelam Exercise, patented in her name. Thanks for making the morning lovely, Garg-sa'ab. May you people have great years ahead. Keep smiling and be happy as usual.
A big 'Thank You' to the Gargs for the treat. Is it important to know the reason? Aam khane se matlab hai, ped ginne se nahin! Eat and be merry. And where is our dear Renu? Missing her in the Garden and her comments on the blog. Get up and get going, Ms Lazy Bones!
RENU BABANI replies(right):
My apologies, but this lazy bum just can't get out of bed at 6 a.m. I have absolutely no excuse, but definitely lazy seems to be right word. Looks like the morning was fun as usual, and a treat too. If anyone out there has a way of making me feel guilty and get out of that bed in the morning, please be free to do so. Any ideas will do and then I shall decided which sounds feasible and gets me going in the morning. Let me see who is the 'Smart Alec' in our group!
[Pssssst... WATER, water, Kishor! What are you waiting for? Cold nalke-ka-pani... One splash on the face will do. She's just asked for it! --Big Laaf ]
Trust me, that is not THE solution. Firstly, he did mention it and I made it quite clear that throwing water on my face will DEFINITELY NOT be a good day for him! Besides, knowing me, I may just wipe it off, turn away and stay in bed. So think of a better idea!
Anonymous says:
My spouse and I love this site of yours. I think you genuinely contribute with the content. You can be certain I am going to discuss your opinions in our website which has a web link time for this post.
Shadi ki salgirah, mubarak ho! God bless both of you. We enjoyed the jalebi and phapda.
Many many happy returns of the day to Garg dampatti. Wish we had known it before, we could have ordered a few more goodies, like mithai, gulab jamun, samose, chai, dahi kachori, wada sambhar, poha, bhajji...!@#. (Ungli do to haath pakad lete hain, yeh log to !.)
I am also sure many must be benefiting from "Neelam ji's exercise", patented in her name.
Thanks, for making the morning lovely today Garg saab. May you people have great years ahead, and keep smiling & happy as usual.
A Big Thank You to the Garg's for the treat.Is it important to know the reason for the treat? "Aam khane se matlab hai, ped ginne se nahin!" Eat and be merry!
Where is our dear Renu? Missing her presence in the garden and her comments on the blog.Get up and get going lazy bones!
My apologies, but this lazy bum just can't get out of bed at 6a.m.
I have absolutely no excuse, but definitely lazy seems to be right word! Looks like the morning was fun as usual, and a treat too.
If anyone out there has a way of making me feel guilty and get out of that bed in the morning, please be free to do so. Any ideas will do, and then I shall decided which sounds feasible and gets me going in the morning. Let me see who is the 'Smart Alec' in our group!!!
My spouse and i loved that will web site regarding yours and also I think you genuinely contribute with that content. I am going to discuss your opinions upon our website which has a web page link time for this post, you can be certain.
Renu babani says
Trust me Mr Bose that is not
The solution. Firstly he did
Mention it and I made it quite clear
That throwing water on my face will
Definitely not be a good day for him!
Secondly, knowing me I may just wipe
It off, turn away and stay in bed!
So think of a better idea!
shadi ki salgrah mubarak ho. god bless both of u
& we eat jalebi& phaphra
dilip babani
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