Nevertheless, the nation-wide euphoria around the fasting Gandhian in Delhi continued to be a major
As for taking out a rally from the Garden, everything now depends upon Arora, whenever he shows up. Members can only derive consolation from the news that he has bagged a Rs2,50,001 bounty from breaking a dahi-hundi put up in his locality, as part of the Janmashtami celebrations yesterday. Quoting (un)reliable sources, Kishor Babani informs that Arora is sitting at home and “doing aish” with the money!
Says Renu Babani:
Yes, we missed Mr Arora today as he is always in the Garden on time. However, am sure he shall return tomorrow morning and conduct the exercises. Anna Hazare has become a cause of concern amongst the public. I am certain his efforts shall not go in vain. Hopefully, he can break his fast and start regaining his strength. Whether we have a rally or not, I can speak on behalf of everyone: We do support the cause!
Says Srichand Arora:
Sorry about today. As reported, I had won this dahi-hundi prize, but all in one-rupee coins. It took me the whole night to count the coins and in the end, I found 35 rupees short. I had to go to the police station to lodge a complaint of cheating. Believe me, to do this, I had to share 50% of my winning with the cops. The balance half went to my group (of Lokhandwala Garden No 4, Laughter Club). This way, I am back to zero. Anyway, I have decided not to bribe anyone in future and this is my resolve. Sure, I am attending the exercises tomorrow morning.
Says Bhaswati Bose:
The Indian team lost very badly. But you can't expect them to win every time. I am sure they will regain the No 1 slot. Give them a break. The whole nation's attention is diverted towards Anna Hazare. Otherwise these guys would get a "dhulai" by the public on their return!
Says Dilip Babani:
I thought Arora-ji must have gone to Delhi to protest with Anna-ji. But he is in Mumbai. No problem. Tomorrow we will make Arora-ji "Mumbai ka Anna-ji". Tomorrow a procession will be taken out from the Garden to Standard Chartered Bank to our chai walah. We will all drink chai there. Then the procession will end at the Garden. Let everybody see that the Laughing Club is with Anna-ji. Bharat Mata ki Jai! Vande Mataram!! Anna-ji ki Jai!!! Effective Lokpal Bill Lao or Jao waapas apne ghar.
Yes we did miss Mr. Arora as he is always in the garden on time. However, am sure he shall return tomorrow morning, and conduct the exercises. Anna Hazare has become a cause of concern to everyone, and the discussions amongst the public is all about him. I am certain his efforts shall not go in vain, and hopefully he can break his fast and start regaining his strength once he begins to eat.
It seems like everyone is supporting his cause, and the strength as a unit makes a huge difference.
Whether we have a peaceful rally or not,I think I can speak on behalf of everyone else, that we do support the cause!
sorry of today. As predicted I won this Dahi Handi price but all coins of 1 ruppe and it took me whole of the night to count and at the end found some35 rupees short and I had to go to the police staion to lodge this cheating complaint. Believe me to lodge this short receipt, I had to share of 50% winning. Balance half went to my group (of Garden 4 Laughter Club). This way I am back to zero. Any way decided in future no bribes to any on and this is my promise. Sure attending tomorrow morning
The Indian team lost very badly.But you can't expect them to win every time.I am sure they will regain the no.1 slot once again. Give them a break.The whole nations attention is diverted towards Anna ji, otherwise these guys would get a "dhulai" by the public on their return!
i thought aroraji must have gone to delhi for protest aganist crrouption with annaji. but he is in mumbai. no problem tomorrow we all will make arroraji mumbai ka annaji.tomorrow procession will be taken out from garden tostandard charered to chai wala. we all will drink chai.procession will end at the garden again
let all people se that laughing club is with annaji
bharat mata ki jai
vande mataram
aanji ki jai
effective lokpal bill lao or jao wapas apne ghar
dilip babani
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