To compound matters, auto-rickshaws in the city are on an ‘indefinite strike’ since yesterday. Lady members like Santosh Tyagi, Razia Khan and Nafisa Sayed who stay at a distance from the Garden, are particularly distressed, as they have to now walk up and down, negotiating puddles and slush, while it rains.
A semblance of normalcy was however, brought in by Kishor Babani when he made an appearance after three days. In his absence, we were deprived of not only our daily dose of jokes, but also the music he plays on his mobile handset during exercising. Today, for a change, he played a medley of old devotional numbers.
But in the end, it was the cussed weather that played a dampener. It is now almost four months that we have been putting up with the monsoon and it has started to get irritating. The rain gods should know that they have overstayed their welcome!
Renu Babani:
Looks like the weather enjoys playing games with us. It rains sporadically and stops abruptly. I guess being the end of the monsoon, it is like saying a fond, but wet farewell till next year. We have gotten used to umbrellas and constant complaints of the potholes and muddy roads.
S.V.Arora (from Singapore)left:
Here also it is raining continuously. Even this morning I was held at the beach-side (where I go for my morning walk) due to heavy rain. When I found that the rain was not going to stop in the next few hours, I walked back in the rain. We all like moving about in heavy rain, but in S'pore, because of the lightning and thunder, people do not come out at all. I too was told by many morning walkers to go back home as rain might start in a couple of minutes. The walking track at beach-side became like a desert. Could not find even four people on the track, whereas in the normal course, there are 200 to 300 people. I feel, by now the rainy days should be over at Mumbai.
Renu babani says: looks like the weather enjoys playing games with us. It rains sporadically and stops abruptly. I guess being the end of the monsoon, it is like saying a fond,but wet farewell till next year. We have gotten used to umbrellas and constant complains of the potholes and muddy roads. Our discussions in the morning would be looking up at the heavenly skies and debating whether it would rain in order to give us some relief from the heat. Strange, never satisfied as always, and now with the weather changes, a new debate:when will it get cooler?
Here also its raining continuosly. Even this morning I was held at the beach side (where I go for our morning walk) for about an hour due to heavy rain and when I found that this rain is not going to stop for next hrs together then I had to walk in rain. Though we all like moving in heavy rain but in S'pore due to heavy lightening during the rain, people do not come out at all. Even I was told by so many morning walker to go back home as rain might start in couple of minutes. The walking track at beach side became like a desert. Could not find even more then 4 people on the track, where in normal course u will find 200 / 300 people. I thing now the rainy days should be over there in Mumbai.
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