Significantly, Nahid Khan was in the direct line of fire. Initially Dilip Babani and Bapu Rane (yes, he’s returned from his village today) tried to restrain Shekhawat, but they soon joined him in a little human-train (above) formation. It was a wonderful sight – more so, when it had become obvious that Shekhawat was trying hard to get back to his impish self (prior to hospitalisation) and he was being ably assisted by friends.
Today was Mother Mary’s birthday – and of course, that of Monthi Serrao (left). Others sharing her birthday include Heather Thomas, Asha Bhosale and Bhupen Hazarika among others. So she is in august company and more importantly, celebrating with her folks at Mangalore. This is just to say that we remember her on this day and wish her a long, healthy and rewarding life ahead. Many happy returns of the day!
For the record, a section of the Garden has been converted into a Car Bazaar. So those wondering about Renu Babani’s comments yesterday, here’s the answer: A dealer of second-hand cars has booked the entire Garden for himself effective 8-10 September. Little did he know that nobody has the right to prevent the public from entering a designated “public park” in Mumbai. His run-down cars will have to co-exist with us!
Harish Wadhwa:
Many, many happy returns of the day, Monthi-ji. We are waiting for your return to celebrate with other Virgos.
And today's shayari from Kishor-da is worth posting on the blog. Kishor-da can you please give the required inputs to Blog Monster?
Renu Babani:
Yes, today was laughter galore throughout the exercises. I guess everyone has gotten so used to the regular chatter that no one even tries to bring order to the noisy group.
The cars exhibited this morning was a piece of interest to everyone. Some of us figured we might as well book our cars now before they are sold off. Assurances of reaching the Garden in the evening in the hope of acquiring even a second-hand car became the joke of the day. Mr Shekhawat has definitely brought about a different atmosphere. What a difference one member can make!
Srichand Arora (from Singapore):
Happy to see our dear Shekhawat in the Garden. Things are improving, which is really a good sign. Please Mr Shekhawat, do take care of your health and avoid all exertion.
Monthi-ji -- many, many happy returns of the day and may God bless you. If you are throwing a party, please remember to keep my share separate.
Kishor-ji, I'm still waiting to receive your jokes!
Many many happy returns of the day Monthi ji. We are waiting for your return to celebrate it with other virgos.
Today's shayari from Kishor da is worth postin on the blog. Kishor da can you please give the required inputs to Blog Monster ?.
Yes today was filled with laughter and galore throughout the exercises. I guess everyone has gotten so used to the regular chatter that no one even tries to bring order to the noisy group. It is no doubt a hopeless case.
The cars exhibited this morning was a piece of interest to everyone around. Some of us figured we might as well book our cars now before they are sold off. Assurances of reaching the garden in the evening in the hope of acquiring even a second hand car became the joke of the day!
Mr. Shekawat back has definitely brought about a different atmosphere amongst everyone. What a difference can one special member make!
Happy to see our dear Shekhawat in the garden. Things r improving which is really good sign. Please Mr. Shekhawat take care of your health and avoid more excersation. Monthiji many many happy returns of the day and may
god bless you. If you r throwing any party pl remember to keep my share seperate. Kishore Ji I m still waiting to receive your V /NV jokes.
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