Today, Shekhawat returned the money collected (actually, Grover’s contribution only), thus bringing the curtains down on Mahabaleshwar. To many, this came as a big surprise but for most members, it was “only expected”. Kishor Babani too had apprehended such an outcome and by way of abundant caution, wanted to book his tickets earlier (see yesterday’s post). But then, he is not one to give up easily. True to his word, he will go ahead with the trip on October 14, whether anybody joins him or not. That’s the spirit, Kishor!
Amid the sense of despair and awkwardness caused by this fiasco, Monthi Serrao and then, Harish Wadhwa brought in some cheer (left). Monthi had been through a rough patch over the past one month with a vicious malarial attack, leading to her hospitalisation. She claims to be fit and fine now. It was indeed nice to have her back.
Harish though, is still not out of the woods. He is running tests for the past one week since the cause of his intermittent fever has not been diagnosed as yet. Everybody says he needs complete rest. We wish him rapid recovery and relief from all distress. Get well soon, Harish!
Harish Wadhwa:
* Thank you so much for the good wishes. The Almighty's blessings, friends' good wishes and a doctor's healing touch can make all the difference. Hopefully, I should be fine soon.
* The top pic is really nice -- as if clicked for promos of a movie or a theatre! Nice "cinemascope" view of the actors of Big Laaf.
Renu Babani:
At this point and time it is useless discussing the M'shwar trip. Everyone seems to have their own personal issues; so best is to leave everyone alone. Those interested shall go ahead and why not.
Yes, good to see Monthy-ji and Harish-bhai back at the Garden. The turnout increased this morning -- a sign of the weather improving and everyone all geared up for the daily routine. The constant chatter was a huge distraction today. Razia Khan eventually gave up and decided that those who are serious in their exercise will do so quietly. It is no use constantly distracting oneself by trying to silence the rest. However, this is the fun part of being together, because I am sure, that is the reason everyone turns up everyday.
Srichand Arora (from Singapore):
Harish-bhai, I just read about your health. I wish you an early recovery. Without you in the Garden, our Badmaash Company is not complete. So get well soon and attend the Laughter Club as well as the Chai Ki Dukaaan... jiske saamne gore ka makaan!!! Monthy-ji, though you have recovered fully, you too must take care of your health with proper rest and food. Even if you miss some more laughter sessions, no problem. Jaan hai toh jahan hai! Please take care. God bless you all.
Thank you so much for the good wishes. Almighty's blessing, Friends Good wishes and Doctor's healing touch, make all the difference. Hopefully, I should be fine soon.
The top pic is really nice, as if clicked for promo's of a movie or a theatre ! Nice "cinemascope" view of the actors of "BigLaaf".
At this point and time it is useless even discussing the M'shwar trip. Everyone seems to have their own personal issues, so best is to just leave everyone alone. Those interested shall go ahead and why not.
Yes, good to see Monty-ji and Harishbhai back at the garden. The turnout increased this morning, a sign of the weather improving, and everyone all geared up for the daily routine.
Today the constant chatter was a huge distraction. Razia Khan eventually gave up, and decided that those who are serious in their exercise will do so quietly. It is no use constantly distracting oneself, by trying to silence the rest. However, this is the fun part of being together, because I am sure, that is the reason everyone turns up everyday
Harish Bhai, I just read in the blog about your health. I wish u an early recovery as with out u in the Garden our Badmaash company is not complete. So get well soon and attend the Laughter club as well as The Chai ki dukaaan jiske saamne gore ka makan?
Monthy Ji though u have recovered fully but then too you must take care of your health and proper rest /food. Even if u miss some more laughter sessions no problem. Jaan hai to Jahan hai. Pl take care.
God Bless all of u
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