Day 472
Pic of the Week
Why are the ladies looking so terrified? Kishor Babani:
Even Amitabh Bachchan will wonder: Who is this man taller than me?Renu Babani:
How do we tell him to please move, so that our pic can be taken more clearly?Bhaswati Bose:
When did Qutub Minar shift from Delhi to Mumbai?Dilip Babani:Targola kabhi Mumbai ayya?Harish Wadhwa:STANDING TALL, MY SMILE SAYS IT ALL!I am so happy being here to spread happiness with all my friends at the Garden.
Even.Amitab Bachan will think that who is this man taller than me.
How do we tell him to please move so our pic can be taken more clearly?
When did the Qutab Minar shift from Delhi to Mumbai?
targola kabi mumbai ayya
dilip babani
Standing tall and
My smile says it all;
I am happy and am here to spread happiness with all my friends at the garden.
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