So contagious has our presence in the Garden become that passersby are increasingly straying in from the walking track for the joy of being part of our group – even if it were for a brief while. There are also some who want to join as ‘regular members’ and Srichand Arora becomes hard-pressed having to explain that membership has been frozen lately. A lady today asked him if she could just join for the exercises and when he gallantly welcomed her with open arms, she said she’d need to ask her husband! Significantly, such odd balls also add to our morning merriment.
In the evening today, a Lohri bonfire will be lit at the Garden – just after sunset. All are invited.
Harish Wadhwa:
* Twanu sab nu, Lohri di bahut-bahut vadhaiyaan. Twadi zindagi te saal, bahut chungey hovein. Til, rewdiyan, gajak ne mungfaliyan Lohri wichh pao, te tussi bhi bharpoor maza lo!
* Blog Monster, Congrats! Our blog today hit another landmark number, 70,000 -- soon to run into a six digit hit figure!! Great going and reporting!!!
Twanu Sab nu, Lohri di bahut bahut vadhaiyan. Twadi Zindagi te saal, bahut change hoven.
Til, Rewdiyan, Gajak, ne mungfaliyan lohri wich pao, te tussi bhi bharpur maza lo.
Blog Monster, Congrtas to you. Our Blog today hit another landmark no. of 70,000 and soon to run into a six digit hit figure. Great going & reporting.
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