In short, we had a blast!
Setting out from the Garden at 8.00 a.m. (see yesterday’s post), the bus dropped us at Marve in half an hour.
It was still low tide then. Hari Singh Shekhawat chaperoned the ladies to the far reaches of the deserted beach (before the sun got the better of them), while Arora laid the ground with a bed-sheet for the lazier lot to relax. Between the two, all activities during the day were conducted with mechanical precision, perfect coordination and attention to detail.
And yet, there was so much of heart on display – be it in the caring and concern about the personal needs of individual members or the warmth with which ‘guests’ (strangers, actually) were drawn into the group, in the jokes traded and drinks shared or while playing antakshari and Housie, the impromptu dances of couples… If this picnic is to be remembered, it would be for this reason: there was not one discordant note sounded during the day, thanks entirely to Shekhawat and Arora.
On the flip side though, two incidents did cause concern.
Renu Babani's PICSPEAK:
These photos are proof of all the fun we had at the picnic. What started as friends when we would meet daily for the exercises has turned out to be a real family. Goes to prove that Our Family is priceless and these memories will remain forever.
Kishor Babani:
I found my glasses at home. I forgot to take it on the picnic. So everything is okay. Had great fun at Manori.
Dilip Babani:
I think all the members enjoyed a lot. Everyone was happy and relaxed. We played antakshari, had nice food and chilled beer. Without the support of Shekhawat-ji and Arora-ji, this lovely picnic would not have been possible.
Harish Wadhwa:
Picnic pics are very nice, thanks to our 'official' reporter and photographer. With such good pics and the time you all had, those who could not make it (including myself) must be very JEALOUS. Everyone at the Garden was appreciating the scrumptious food as well. I also heard about the healthy competition of antakshari between the erudite friends who knew and shared some of the old and less-heard legendary songs. I am sure Arora-ji and others must have defeated the women gang of Banoo-ji, Bhaswati-ji, etc. quite squarely!
Ifound my glaases @ home. I forgot to take it for picnic. So everything is OK. Had gr8 fun @ picnic.
i think all the picnic members have enjoyed a lot. all were haapy& relaxing.we have nice antashari,nice food,nice resort, good beach, nice chickhen curry.
chilled beer.everybody enjoyed a lot.thanks to shekawatji& arroraji without your support lovely picnic was not possible.
dilip babani
Renu Babani Pic Speaks:
These photos are proof of all the fun we had at the picnic. What started as friends when we would meet daily for the exercises has turned out to be a real family. Goes to prove that 'Our Family' is priceless and our memories will remain forever.
With such good pics and the time you had all those who could not make it, including myself, must be very J.
OMG, they all seemed to enjoy so much !. Picnic pics are very nice, thanks to the official reporter & photographer Bose-Babu !. Everyone at the garden today was appreciating the scrumptious food.
I have also heard about the healthy competition of Antakshari between the erudite friends, who knew & shared some of the old and less heard legendary songs.
I am sure Arora-ji, Sameer-ji (Bose Babu's friend), Bose Babu & others, must have defeated the women gang of Banu-ji, Bhaswati-ji, and others squarely.
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