What is it that draws so many non-members, including rank strangers to the group every morning? Arun Patil, who has resumed exercising after a long hiatus, pointed out that foul smelling gases from the nullah nearby could be harmful to us in the long term – especially, if we are to persist with the breathing exercises. And yet, this does not seem to be a bother. If anything, it has added to the overall enthusiasm and spirit of participation among all and sundry.
Many say it is the positive vibes we give out collectively as a fun-loving group that others find so attractive. Some confess that they are drawn by the activities we seem to be having continually on the sidelines – parties, picnics, celebrations and so on. A few have tried to rationalize that being part of a regular and disciplined group makes them obliged to exercise every day. What we say is that we are here simply to be happy – and to share our happiness. All are welcome!
Renu Babani's PICSPEAK:
"Hands up in the air, we are as free as the birds flying with the wind!"
Harish Wadhwa:
* Arun-bhai, the nullah odour is a daily test for our sensory organ to be working fine!
* I kinda like the carefree attitude of Hari Naraiyani who was seen dancing with joy this morning. He was his natural playful self as he also corrected some classic jokes of Kishor-da with his own version. Arora-ji's joining us at chai was another welcome highlight, which stretched it beyond 8:30 this morning.
Arun bhai, the nullah odour is a daily test for the nose that the sensory organ is working fine !.
I kinda like the carefree attitude of Hari bhai, who was seen dancing with joy this morning. Arora-ji's joining us at Chai, was another welcome highlight, which stretched it beyond 08:30 am this morning. Hari-bhai was seen at his natural playful self, as he corrected some of the classic jokes of Kishor da with his version of them !.
Pic Speaks:
With hands up in the air, we feel so free like the birds flying with the wind.
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