The rate card distinguishes between ‘small businesses’, ‘medium-scale enterprises’ and ‘corporates’ with separate rates prescribed for each category -- ranging from Rs2,000 to Rs20,000 per month (for the minimum saleable space). Block bookings for the year (or half-year) would be encouraged by way of offering attractive discounts, with added incentives as ‘agency commission’.
On a lighter note, Arora took everyone by surprise by suddenly complaining that we were too quiet for his comfort during the exercises. “This place resembles a cattle pound,” he pointed out, instantly sending Rassiwala into spells of laughter. Nafisa Sayed seized the opportunity to accuse Arora for being the one to “impose curfew” and that it is “out of fear we do not open our mouths” in his presence. “But why bother about an old man like me?” Arora responded sportingly. “Just listen from one ear and take it out from the other!” Obviously, Dilip Babani’s comments the day-before (see post of April 24) have had an effect.
Srichand Arora:
Blog Monster, I would appreciate if this comment is published: Dear members and friends, though I am given so much importance and credit, let me tell you that this credit and importance goes to our dear Mr Bose and Mr Harish who are working behind the curtain and allowing me to fetch the credit to myself. We must appreciate the help provided by these two GENTLEMEN.
Dilip Babani:
Arora-ji, you are 1000% correct. Bose and Harish are as indispensible in our club as you are. They help a lot. Neki kae darya meih dal.
Dear Blog Monster, I think, its really high time to keep mum. I would appreciate if this comment of mine is published. Deal all members and friend, though I am been given so much importance and credit, but let me tell you all, that this credit and importance goes to our dear Mr. Bose & Mr. Harish who are working behind the curtain and allowing me to fatch the credit to my self. We must appreciate the help provided by these 2 very polite and great GENTLEMEN.
arora ji u r 1000% correct
bose& harish is also equally indispensable person in our laughing club as u r ,they help a lot.neki kae darya meih dal.
dilip babani
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