All this while, Srichand Arora (left) stood his ground, cool as a cucumber. Fully composed, he tried to make sense of the cause of agitation while reasoning with all that dissent is always welcome in a democratic set-up. He had almost won everybody’s confidence when from nowhere, Shekhawat showed up again and started another round of emotional slugfest. By then, silent observers like Pratap Bhatt and Ram Shankar Shukla felt fortified enough to also raise their voices and add fuel to fire.
An issue, which could well have been nipped in the bud, was thus blown out of proportion today. Sitaram Hivarkar (right) tried to drive a compromise by suggesting a “three month period of observation” – effectively indicating that a daily attendance register be maintained and for absenting members, look-out notices be posted! The suggestion miraculously found favour with all present, despite the impracticality of it all.
Well, this too shall pass.
Ramila Mistry:
I favour Sitaram-ji's suggestion. I am sure Arora-ji will help to take proper decision and find a solution. The Club members are both men and women. They should give respect to each other. Now that the Club is registered, its name should not be spoiled. Be careful.
Harish Wadhwa:
Temperature was soaring this morning and was felt by all observers and Garden folk -- which could have been avoided. While the Managing Committee was fair in its approach, intent and action, the objections must have come as a surprise. Come on, this is a simple issue and could have been resolved easily by a simple dialogue.
Bhaswati Bose:
The charges levelled against the Managing Committee are genuine. The last few days there was a lot of discontent amongst us. Only a gutsy lady like Geeta-ji could bring up the issue in front of everybody. Others joined in the protest after that. Yes, our Chairman did lose his temper and how! But all credit to our Secretary who not only patiently and politely heard our grievances, but also promised to make amends. I think Sitaram-ji’s suggestion is sensible and just and can surely be implemented. All said and done, today’s agitation was a revelation:
1. It revealed Arora-ji as the right person for the highly responsible job he holds.
2. It revealed the hidden side of some members who reacted like wounded tigers.
3. It revealed a sense of belonging amongst all the members who protested, argued, quarreled, fought or threatened to resign. The Club does matter to us!
Renu Babani's PICSPEAK:
* "What is going on here? Why doesn't anyone understand me? I give up!!!"
* "We need to arrive at a solution right away before any further issues."
* "Everyone has a right of speech. So let's give all a chance!"
Kishor Babani:
Neutral. No comments.
Geeta Sardana:
Sitaram-ji has given a good suggestion. Arora-ji's response was good. We should be careful that such things do not happen in future.
Monthi Serrao:
Rules and regulations should be followed to avoid problems and misunderstanding in future. Sitaram-ji's suggestion can be considered.
Srichand Arora:
* After long discussions between Managing Committee members (except Ms Monthi, who is busy with some religious functions), Shri Shekahwat admitted his mistake for being loud. I feel if someone admits a mistake, it is our duty and binding to forgive and forget. Hence, we decided no more fuss on this issue and no sorry or thank you to anyone by anyone. Cheer up all and join us for the morning laughter and exercise. We all agree that whatever happened was not good. But after all, we are a family and such things happen. Be assured it will not be repeated hereafter.
* Dear friends, no more comments on this issue. Thanks!
I favour sitaramjis sugesstion. I am sure aroraji will help to take proper decision and find solution. The club members are both men and women.They should give respect to each other.
Now that the club is registered the clubs name should not be spoiled. Be careful.
Ramila Mistry
Temperature was soring high this morning and visible to all observers and garden folk, which could have been avoided. While the MC was fair in their approach, intent and acgtion, I am sure all these objections must have come in as a surprise. Come-on, it is a simple issue and could have been resolved easily by a simple dialogue.
The charges levelled against the Managing Committee are genuine. The last few days there was a lot of discontent amongst us. Only a gutsy lady like Geeta ji could bring up the issue in front of everybody. Others joined in the protest after that. Yes, our Chairman did lose his temper and how! But all credit to our Secretary who not only patiently and politely heard our grievances but has also promised to make amends. I think Sitaram ji’s suggestion is sensible and just and can surely be implemented.
All said and done, today’s “agitation” was a revelation :
1.It revealed Arora ji is the right person for the highly responsible job he holds.
2.It revealed the other side of some members who reacted like wounded tigers.
3.It revealed a sense of belonging amongst all the members who protested, argued, quarreled, fought or threatened to resign.
The club does matter to us!
Pic Speaks:
What is going on here, why doesn't anyone seem to understand me! I give up
We need to decide upon a solution right away before any further issues
Everyone has a right of speech so let's give all a chance
Neutral. No comments.
Sitaramji has given a good suggestion. Aroraji's response was good. We should be careful that such things should not happen in future.
Rules and regulations should be followed to avoid problems and misunderstandings in future.
Sitaram jis suggestion can be considered.
After having a long discussions between all Managing Committee members except Ms Monthi Ji (she is busy with some religious functions)Shri Shekahwat admitted his mistake of being loud and I think if some one admit the mistake, it is our duty and binding to forgiv and forget. Hence decided no more fuss on the issue and no sorry or thankyou to any one by any one. Please cheer up and join us for morning laughter and excersice. We all agree what ever happend was not good but after all we are family and such things happens some time. But be assured it will not be repeated hereafter.
Dear Friends no more comments on this issue. Thanks
i was not there.i want to suggest to all ladies that if any issue is there first all the members should talk among themselves than talk to managing commmittte.others wise some members will oppose & talk in favour of managing committe.members r 43 .commetitte members r 5. 38 members should consult the issue, if issue is reasonable than talk to m.c.
some time mc itself gets the information via via, before talking to mc.they will response in a nice manner to the there is mistake from members part also.they have not consult other members. anyway this was a lesson to everybody& mc .our club is for excercise & laughing. all members r great people,intelligent ,loving,helpfull,caring.there is no question of fight& misbehaving.some misunderstaing was there that is cleared.all should provied feedback to seccretary.charmain just listen to problem& consult with mc & give sugeetion to sacertary than secretary should explain the in club all talks& give sugesstion& react instatntly this is wrong.all the members& mc should follow the rules with utmost care.nodoby should get hurt.we all r one family
we must respect each other.all the problems & happiness should be kept secret, among laughing club.all the members must respect mc & mc will also respect all the members .hope all will understand simple point.
dilip babani
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