So ultimately it was left to Dilip Babani to kick up some excitement and get the exercises going for the day. And what a way he went about it! Within moments of stepping inside the circle, he had got the whole group charged, gleefully challenging everyone to catch up with what was the human equivalent of a runaway train. After a while some pleaded with him to stop, or at least slow down; but Dilip was not listening today. He was on his own trip.
Racing through one exercise after another, he flapped his arms with joy and twisted and turned in every direction like weathercock gone crazy. He jackknifed up and down, stretched himself, held his breath and turned left, then right, even rolled his head like a top. For his bulk, it was incredible how he could summon the required reserves of energy on a hot, humid morning and still remain in control. And who would say this was the first time he was conducting the exercises? But eventually everyone had to give up on him. “This is not Toofan Mail, this is Toofan Express!” a thoroughly traumatized Ram Shankar Shukla concluded breathlessly.
Harish Wadhwa:
Toofan Express was interesting. Well done, Dilip-bhai. In fact, I found the pace was right and not too fast. Sometimes the speed gets too much of a drag... Very Good, Very Good, Yeah!!!
Bhaswati Bose:
Well done, Dilip-Bhai. Just go a little slow. Otherwise we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves today.
Srichand Arora:
Dilip-ji, I appreciate and personally thank you for conducting our morning session. And Blog Monster, I am sure the day is not far when all members will have the capacity to hold the centre position. Thanks a lot for motivating them.
Renu Babani's PICSPEAK:
"I have the energy, I have the determination...nothing's gonna stop me now!"
[P.S: Well done, Dilip. Hopefully, you will turn up early tomorrow as well. I definitely prefer this Toofan Express!]
The Toofan Express was interesting. Well done Dilip bhai. In fact I must say the pace was right and not too fast. On the contrary, sometimes the speed is too much of drag, than exercises. Very Good Very Good Yeah...
Well done Dilip Bhai!Just go a little slow.Otherwise we thoroughly enjoyed ourselves today.
Dilip Ji I appreaciate & personally Thank you for conducting our Morning session. And Bose Ji I am sure the day is notfar when all the members will have the Capicity to hold this centre position. Thanks a lot for motivating them.
Pic Speaks:
I have the energy, I have the determination..nothing's gonna stop me now!
p.s. well done Dilip, hopefully you turn up early tomorrow as well. I definitely prefer this toofan express!
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