Still, Srichand Arora gave it his best shot this morning. After repeatedly requesting a group of talkative ladies to pay attention during the exercises, he went gunning at Ramila Mistry (of the ‘we-have-become-daring’ fame), physically pulling her out of her group and planting her at a far end of the circle. He strode back jubilantly, only to discover that the lady was just behind, following him like an awkward ostrich, step for step, till she returned to her original spot!
Now, what can anyone do in this situation? Arora screamed at Santosh Tyagi, hollered at Harbans Singh, accused Bhaswati Bose of being the chief troublemaker and tore his hair in exasperation... till Kishor Babani rescued him from his misery. In the same way Ramila was pulled out, Kishor led Arora by the hand to another position so that HE stops making noise.
Truly, we are beyond redemption.
Renu Babani's PICSPEAK:
"Let me take you where the ladies are in discussion. Very interesting!"
Harish Wadhwa:
A synonym for Ladies is Chatter-Box and engaging in chatter is their janam-siddh adhikar. Why pull them up for what they are born with? They are only following their God-gifted instinct, just like men who want to change women (Never)! Actually it is the ladies' chatter which makes men jealous as they can never understand what they talk about. God bless them alike.
Renu Babani adds:
I had no idea that the men were feeling left out. No wonder they have started their own little gossip sessions during the exercises! You men can never out beat us, so don't even try!
Renu Babani: Pic speaks: let me take u where the ladies are in discussion about something.. Very interesting!
A synonymous name of Ladies is Chatter-Box, and engaging in it is their Janam-sidh Adhikar. So why pull them up for something they are gifted (born) with ?. They are only following their normal God-gifted instinct; just like Men who believe deceptively that they can change women ! (Never !!). Actually it is this Ladies-chatter which provokes & make men jealous, as they can never understand what they talk about !. God bless Men & Women alike.
Renu Babani:
I had no idea that the men were feeling left out. No wonder they have started their own little gossip sessions during the exercises! Trust me, you men can never outbeat us, so don't even try.
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