It was however, clarified and reiterated repeatedly that this ‘contribution’ is completely voluntary and must not be construed a compulsion or even, a subscription. But in all fairness (and more so, since this collection has been approved by the meeting) those making the ‘contribution’ would henceforth be categorised as ORDINARY MEMBERS.

The real drama however, began when a section of the naysayers, smarting from being outvoted, tried to subvert the proceedings. Some demanded their monthly contributions be refunded forthwith, thereby making a sorry spectacle of themselves. Two gentlemen lamely brought up the question of quorum after the voting. Rather than accept the majority verdict gracefully, they demonstrated their contempt towards the democratic processes with a clear intent to sabotage the Club’s future.

On the positive side, this blog wishes to place on record its appreciation for the manner Monthi Serrao conducted today’s meeting, the motivating speech delivered by Harbans Kaur (middle pic) and the tacit support extended by Jagmohan Papneja, Santosh Tyagi, Arun Patil and others. Yusuf Rassiwala, Sitaram Hivarkar, Mumtaz Jahan and Hari Naraiyani also deserve commendation for their active participation in today's proceedings.
Kishor Babani:
The way voting happened was completely unfair. There should have been voting with secret ballots. Even some members did not know in which column to sign. Either in 'Yes' or 'No'. Mr Hari Nariyani gave a speech against collecting the money, but signed in 'Yes' column thinking it is a sheet to sign if you are present. All in all, it was a complete chaos.

Srichand Arora (left pic):
As Secretary of Big Laaf, it is my duty to educate my esteemed friend:
(a) Voting by secret ballot is a practice employed almost exclusively for individual(s) and not on issues – unless otherwise objected to by any voter(s). When the agenda was read out, no objection was raised. Once the proceedings are over, there’s no point objecting. It only betrays poor temperament. Moreover Managing Committee is elected by all the members and some rights have been given to it. So let the Committee use them, without hurting anyone.
(b) Mr Hari Naraiyani is intelligent enough to speak for himself.
(c) Mrs Monthi Serrao deserves kudos for conducting the meeting in a free, fair and impartial manner. The ‘complete chaos’ was created by disgruntled elements, only after the voting results were announced. Please don’t do it again. And let us all make a lovely family of Big Laaf. Hope to see everyone in the Garden day-after-tomorrow in a healthy and enjoyable mood. --S.V.Arora (Secretary)
Jagmohan Papneja:
Over a period of time, I think popular will would prevail in the Club.
The way voting happened was completely unfair. There should have been voting with secret ballots. Even some members did not know in which column to sign. Either in Yes or No. Mr. Hari Nariyani gave a speech against collecting the money signed
in Yes column thinking it is a sheet to sign if you are present. All in all it was a complete chaos.
Over a period of time,I think popular will in the club would prevail.
Jagmohan Papneja
dear Kishore, I completly agree with if secret ballot voting. But before this please recollect that the procceding of the voting was annonced in the garder & that tine no one objected to the proceed.
After the voting once the result was announced, its no point raisingthe issue. Any way aisi chhoti chhoti baten to hoti hi rahetin. So pl forget every thing and let us laugh together on this unwanted issue. Hope to see all in the garden day after tomorrow in a healthy and enjoylbe mood.
As Secretary of Big Laaf, it is my duty to educate my esteemed friend:
(a) Voting by secret ballot is a practice employed almost exclusively for individual(s), not issues – unless otherwise demanded by some voter(s). To bring it up AFTER the results are declared, betrays poor temperament.
(b) Mr Hari Naraiyani is intelligent enough to speak for himself.
(c) Mrs Monthi Serrao deserves kudos for conducting the meeting in a free, fair and impartial manner. The ‘complete chaos’ was created by disgruntled elements, only after the voting results were announced. Please don’t do it again. And let us make all a lovely family of Big Laaf
--S.V.Arora (Secretary)
Any objection, should have been brought to the notice, once the agenda is read in presence of General Body. Once the proceedings are over, its no point, objecting it. More over the commettee is elected by all the members and some rights have been given to M C solet them use it without hearting any one.
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