Sunday, July 19, 2015

Day 1701

Pic of the Week
Exercises continue... even as it started to rain mid-week
It seems that it is raining only for the middle in the mid-week. --Kiran Prakash

Wow, what sleep! The person in the middle is sleeping. He has not realised that rains have stopped and exercises have started. --Bihari Milwani

He is meditating and therefore, oblivious to weather changes. It is called Dhyan Yoga! --Harish Wadhwa


Kiran Prakash said...

It seems that it is raining only in the middle in the mid-week.

Bihari Milwani said...

Wov! What a sleep. The person in middle is sleeping and has not realised that rains have stopped and exercises have started

Harish Wadhwa said...

Grover saab is meditating and therefore is oblivious to any weather changes. Dhyan Yoga as it is called.