Monday, April 25, 2016

Mock Fight

Bijoy Gupta engages Mallika Kagzi in a mock fight
Bijoy Gupta turned 73. Dressed in trade-mark half pants and t-shirt, he looked every bit a bright-eyed schoolboy eager to impress as he celebrated his birthday this morning with wife Pushpa and food packets from Vyanjan.
We raised an extra fourth laugh as usual and sang the birthday song for the birthday boy. Ram Shankar Shukla was to present him the personalized desk calendar on behalf of the Club.
Even so, it was evident that Gupta had not yet forgiven Mallika Kagzi. He went on an offensive straight out, charging her of banishing shorts from the Club (ref post of April 15) from the time she took over as Big Laaf president.
He harped on her dictatorial attitude and how everybody was so scared of her that they meekly toed her line. “But you cannot frighten me,” he insisted raising his voice amid titters all around.
Bijoy and Pushpa Gupta
“It is time you withdrew your firman on half pants!”
The Guptas spread good cheer
Not one to be cowed down easily, Mallika gave Gupta her standard finger-wagging and tongue-lashing treatment, little realizing that much of the bravado from this diminutive man stemmed from his wife’s presence in the Garden today. He needed to prove to her in public that he was the one to also wear the knickers in the Club (both figuratively and otherwise) and that a woman better not dictate terms to him – at least not on his birthday.
It was a no-go situation, leading nowhere. If anything, everyone had a good laugh for the time their banter went on, well knowing that neither of them was serious. Everything was for effect, meant to entertain and spread a feeling of bonhomie and good cheer around. Can there be any better reason for celebrating a birthday?
Many happy returns of the day, once again, Gupta-ji!
Lt Col Angad Singh (from Mohali):
All is excused in mock fighting for the sake of a Happy Birthday. Keep laughing - a very good medicine, available gratis. Some of our old colleagues ought to take a cue.
Bihari Milwani:
Gupta-ji, why don't you put on two half-pants from tomorrow? Two half equals one full. It will satisfy the new presidential ordinance as well as meet your needs of comfort.
Dilip Babani:
Happy Birthday, Gupta-ji!


Angad Singh said...

All is excused for happy birthday and mock fighting. Keep laughing - a very good medicine available gratis, but every one cannot enjoy it.Some of our old colleagues to take a cue.

Bihari Milwani said...

Gupta Ji. Why don't you put on Two half pants. Two half = one full. It will satisfy new Presidential ordinance as well as your comfort