Monday, April 09, 2018

Jail or Bail?

Salman Khan
Star convict Salman Khan may well be done and dusted with the 48-hour incarceration in Jodhpur last week-end; but still he somehow managed to fire the imagination of our Club members this morning. While many like Arun Patil and Banoo Apa felt that he had been handed a raw deal, others insisted that he is a citizen first and a matinee idol later and must be treated as such.
Basically, nobody could be bothered either way. How does it matter to us whether Salman Khan remains in jail or is out on bail? But in the absence of anything substantive to talk about, this became a ready recipe to stir-fry our bheja on a muggy Monday morning.
Idle Talk: Arun Patil (back to camera)  pitches for his idol
Talk of the mind being a crazy devil’s workshop!
The singular blessing in such situations is that we do not allow gossip – or “beeching” as some would say -- to enter our conversations. However, what cannot be overlooked is the growing realization that there is nothing in the offing to keep the mind occupied after the exercises. Once in a while noises are made on setting out for a day picnic, only to fall silent later. There has been sporadic talk of a Sports Day also, but with the onset of summer, it can no longer be a good idea. Plans for a ‘film evening’ in the China Hut, once in a month, have also been abandoned.
Not so long ago, we had our Annual Day function (ref post of January 20). More than the event, it was through the daily rehearsals and many dry runs, over sweat and tears, joy and frustration… the Club had galvanized together with rare missionary zeal that lasted us well over three months. We need another such event. Any ideas?

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