Saina Revisited
Today’s picnic nearly did not happen. Yesterday Shekhawat called Samara Gardens to finalise arrangements (ref post of October 12) and was told of an arbitrary hike in their rates. The person at the other end was rude and abrupt, refusing to engage in any further conversation.
Enraged, Shekhawat took the uncharacteristic decision of dumping Samara Gardens there and then and calling up Saina Resort. Unilaterally, without consulting anybody, he ‘shifted’ our picnic there – this, in spite of our having already been there in the past.
It was a wise decision in retrospect, as the accompanying pictures amply suggest. Had Shekhawat not taken that call, the options with us were to either cancel the picnic or postpone it indefinitely.
Moreover, settling for Saina, did not cost us any more than what we had budgeted for. In fact, we were left with a surplus, which was equally divided among members of the group.
All’s well that ends well.
Photo Credit: Some of the pics above have been clicked by Jiah Rajput.
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