Saturday, February 15, 2020

Date Change

Shekhawat  tries to persuade everybody for a date change
For reasons best known to him, Shekhawat wants the date of our Annual Sports Day changed from February 23 to February 22, a Saturday. So does Nahid Khan. Not that it makes any difference to anybody else – one day earlier or later is all the same.
“If we have the Sports Day on February 23 (as decided earlier), we lose Sunday,” Shekhawat said. “This is the only day in a week when we are not rushed for waking up early
Fahmida treats us to gajar halwa
in the morning and reporting to the Garden by a specific time. We can afford to be more relaxed on Sunday.”
“Who wants to come on a Sunday to the Garden?” argued Nahid Khan. “Let us keep it a holiday, as we have been doing for so many years.
Banoo Apa treats us to tea and biscuits
On a Saturday we can also be assured of a large number of spectators. On Sundays, the Garden is usually deserted.”
For the record though, the Sports Day last year was held on a Sunday – March 3, 2019. But it can always be argued that we must try to improve with every successive year and not to be repeating our earlier mistakes (if any).
So after a brief discussion, it was decided to change the date but keep the timings the same -- as settled earlier. In other words, we
Balloon Bursting: Testing of lung power
shall plunge straight into the heats after the exercises at 8:00 a.m. and those “wanting to conserve their energies” may skip a few rounds. But the exercises shall not be cancelled/ suspended because of the Sports Day.
Meanwhile, the effects of practice are beginning to show as Shekhawat registered a win in the Slow Walk event – that too, with two books balanced on his head. Zarina Khan, Qadir Bano and Fahmida Khan were also surprise winners in the Balloon Bursting practice session.
But ultimately, there can be no overlooking the fact that the real contest shall be between Karun Sharma and Nand Ram. From their performance today it was clear that between them, they will make a clean sweep of the awards on February 22. With time and practice, they would become even more formidable.
An alarmed Angad Singh urged that we revert to the earlier practice of three awards (instead of two) so that “others may also get a chance” – even if it were to be only a medal. But that would call for another discussion another day.
On your marks... get set... and GO! 

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