Very pleasant morning. No rain, no sunshine. Just overcast skies. And a gentle breeze to uplift the spirits. Yet, attendance was poor. By the time the exercise round was to begin, there were only nine of us – 5 men and 4 women.
Mumtaz (see pic) complained that the ladies felt outnumbered. Just then Zarina walked in and brought about a balance in the numbers. After some time, Sitaram ambled in and once again Mumtaz complained. Shekhawat, who was clearly enjoying himself, declared that men would have the upper hand today.
Before long, a confused-looking Kiran Sajjan walked in to a rousing welcome from all the ladies. Shekhawat got busy on his cell-phone. From nowhere, Motwani materialized. The balance was again tipped in favour of the men.
By now, everybody’s eyes were fixed at the gate. But Shekhawat, with a mischievous glint in his eyes, kept assuring Mumtaz not to worry. The balance would be restored. And sure enough, just before resuming the laughter round, his wife strode in. The ladies broke into jubilant claps and she was accorded pride of place next to her husband.
Final tally: Seven all!
--Big Laaf
Dear Friends,
Thanks for your concern about my health. I have recovered fully and joined our laughter club.
Dear Friends, I thanks Our dear Bose ji about his concern of my health. I have recovered fully and joined our laughter club
Dear Friends,
Thanks for your concern about my health. I have recovered fully and joined our laughter club.
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