Shekhawat-ji unwittingly became the butt of some playful banter for his sartorial choice this morning. Departing from his T-shirt and shorts routine, he strode into the Garden dressed elegantly in formals – full-sleeved buttoned-up shirt tucked neatly into his trousers with leather belt and shoes to match – his cell phone cocked stylishly in his ears.
Naid Khan was the first to take a dig at him. “Sala main toh sahab ban gaya,” she remarked, drawing upon the Kishore Kumar ditty (for Dilip Kumar in Sagina) of the seventies. “Sahab ban ke kaisa tan gaya.”
“Yeh suit mera dekho, yeh boot mera dekho…” Kishor Babani joined in, pointing at the polished black boots Shekhawat was sporting.
This was not the first time Shekhawat had come suited-booted to the Club. Every time he has to go for his medical check-up (directly from the Garden) at the Military Hospital at Colaba, he comes formally attired. Today, everybody was in a playful mood and Shekhawat, being always sporting enough to take a joke upon himself, joined in the merrymaking.
Not everybody can be so broadminded. Some months back, a dark corpulent man invited himself to the Club, wearing a tight, faded pink T-shirt and dark blue track pants. Nothing wrong with that, except that the pants were worn at a level that made his obscene paunch balloon out. Every time he raised his arms (during the exercises), the black grizzly tummy would threaten to burst open, spilling its contents out.
A similar incident occurred a few weeks earlier with a middle-aged lady determined to treat us to a wobble-wobble version of belly dance. Once again, it was a two-sizes-too-short T-shirt that was the villain of the piece. During the exercises, the men had to look away in embarrassment while the women glowered at her daggers drawn. Ultimately, it took one of them to wipe the smile off her face and put an end to the free navel show.
Some members (men, naturally) have since been moving heaven and earth, trying to track down that belly dancer – but to no avail (so far)!
Renu Babani says:
Kudos to Mr Shekhawat! That gentleman has taken the good and bad in his stride, but always comes out a winner. Very few people can laugh at themselves and accept whatever comes along with grace and style. No matter what we may say to one another, if ever there was an outsider to intervene and pass any comment of any sort, just watch all of us team up and make chatni out of that person. That person will not see the light of day and wonder what made him/her even try to open his/her mouth. This is unity which no one can understand. --Renu
Renu Babani says again:
Anyone wishing to post a comment on this blog, kindly click on the comments section which is at the end of each article. Then type your heart out on Leave your Comment. Scroll down, sign into your Google account and send it out.
It is fun to know what people think about each other. Rest assured this is done in good humour and meant no harm to anyone. Cheers! --Renu
Srichand Arora says:
Renu-ji, if you notice, the grass-cutting has also started since day-before and slowly the Garden is taking a better shape. Thanks to all of you for the action. --Arora
Renu Babani says:
Great to hear that the Garden will look beautiful once more. Power to the people! --Renu
Kudos to Mr. Shekawat! That gentleman has taken the good and bad in his stride, but always comes out a winner! Very few people can laugh at themselves and accept whatever comes along with grace and style!
No matter what we may say to one another, but if ever there was an outsider to intervene and pass any comment of any sort, just watch all of us team up and make 'Chatni'out of that person. That person will not see the light of day and wonder what made him/her even try to open his/her moouth!
This is unity which no one can understand
Anyone wishing to post any comment on this blog, kindly click on the 'comment' section which is at the end of each article. Then type your heart out on 'Leave your comment'. Scroll down, sign into your google account and send it out.
It is fun to know what people think about each other. Rest assured this is done in good humour and meant no harm to anyone
Renu Ji, If you notice, the grass cutting is also started since day before and slowly the garden will take some better shape. Thanks to all of you for the action.
Great to hear that the garden will look beautiful once more. Power to the people!
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