After a long, long time, Sitaram Hivarkar conducted our exercises today. He came in early and so, on popular demand, had no escape but to officiate as the man in the middle. And true to his style, he started out with, “Take Attention Please”, followed by his patented expressions like “Now for the Up!”, “Full Circle of the Neck”, “Take a Deep Breathe… Hold” and so on.
It is always a joy to have Sitaram conducting the exercises. For, at first sight, he can appear to be terribly sloppy, with a pronounced tummy, an ungainly gait and a frilly pink umbrella for company. But when he takes charge, ramrod straight like a PT drill master, his whole body language changes. A man of few words, he commands respect and you cannot but take him seriously.
Now, there are three others who have been also conducting the exercise sessions (by turns), each with a distinctive style of functioning. Naid Khan is the most gentle and easygoing, probably because as a woman, she cannot be as assertive as the men are. But she often has her way, by snapping at the women, “Baatein kum” and everybody clams up. The only problem with her is that she tends to rush things through.
In sharp contrast, we have Arora-sah’b, who’s no less than a hectoring school principal who means business. Nothing escapes his eyes – whether it is about bending down, swinging your arms or breathing correctly. He’s a hard taskmaster who’d not hesitate to reprimand you, regardless of who’s watching. For many, he can be a real terror. But you realize in the end, it’s all for your own good.
In between the two extremes, there’s our Yusuf-bhai with his benign smile, tolerant attitude and is yet, quick to correct you when you’re wrong. He has the time, midway through the exercises, to engage in small talk and crack jokes also. But if you observe closely, you’ll find a perfectionist in him. Many of us have learnt from this gentleman.
There are of course, volunteers like Razia Khan and Rane who have occasionally filled in for these four. Even Sunita has conducted when there’s been no option. It’s not as though the others do not know how to exercise. It’s just that knowing is one thing and standing in the centre is another. Out there, you tend to goof up on the sequencing of the exercises. And that is not a happy sight.
In passing, there’s a bit of news for those looking for a new reason to laugh. Tune in to TIMES NOW tomorrow (Sunday, August 22) at 12.00 noon (and 8 p.m. repeat telecast) for a programme, Total Recall on yesteryear film comedies. You’ll find Bose-babu giving his two-bit comment on Kishore Kumar.
Renu Babani says:
I may sound ignorant, but please let me know what is this TIMES NOW? Never heard of it actually. So do update me a bit.
Yes, we do have various members standing in the centre and doing the exercise. It does require guts to come forward despite the fact that we all know one another. But someone has to do it and rest assured, it is highly appreciated.
Looks like the monsoon is still here to stay, thus forcing us into the Chinese Hut time and again. However, we need to be grateful for what we get because it is a lot!
Renu Babani adds:
Hey! I am not that ignorant as it looks like! After going through the TV page in the newspaper, I did find TIMES NOW. So, hopefully I do have that channel and if so, shall definitely watch the show. Lazeee weekend! Didn't go to the Garden on Sunday. Let's see if Monday proves to be motivating for me.
--Renu (22/8)
I may sound ignorant, but please let me know what is this 'Times Now?" Never heard of it actually, so do update me a bit.
Yes we do have various members, standing in the centre and doing the exercise. It does require guts to come forward, despite the fact that we all know one another. However,someone has to do it, and rest assured it is highly appreciated.
Looks like the monsoons are still here to stay, thus forcing us into the Chinese Hut time and again. However, we need to be grateful for what we get, because it is a lot!
Hey! I am not that ignorant looks like! After going through the TV page in the newspaper, I did find 'Times Now'. So, hopefully I do have that channel, and if so, shall definitely watch the show.
Lazeee weekend! Didn't go to the garden on Sunday, let's see if Monday proves to be motivating for me
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