The mosquitoes of the Garden simply took his case. They buzzed above his head, swooped on the nape of his neck, stung him mercilessly on his exposed legs… There were others including Shekhawat and Bose who, like him, had also turned out in shorts. They were all spared. It was only Arora-sah’b the mosquitoes had targeted with a vengeance.
The very same Arora-sah’b had, a few days back, turned around Nana Patekar’s famous filmy comment into “Machchar aadmi ko nachata hai!” Clearly, the machchars had taken offence to this ‘insensitive’ statement from a senior and responsible member of the Club and were determined to make the man dance this morning. They succeeded in no small measure.
As a stickler for discipline and orderly behaviour, Arora-sah’b is often unthinking when he pulls someone up for taking liberties during the exercises. But we have learnt to take it in our stride. Even those who conduct exercises are not spared his tongue lashing whenever they go wrong. Little wonder, many were petrified at yesterday’s Eid party, lest he flared up on finding anybody’s behaviour inappropriate.
But you have to give it to him that there is not a mean bone in this gentleman's body. He is completely selfless and means well for everybody, even as he could be reprimanding in his approach. Most importantly, he has a terrific sense of humour. So when Geeta Sandana sympathized over how the mosquitoes were only after his blood, Arora was quick to retort: “Doosron ko nahin kaat-tey kyonki unke bibi unke khoon choos letey.”
Poor Arora-sah’b, he had to abandon his exercises midway for the first time today and like a lost child, loitered around aimlessly so that the mosquitoes did not settle on him. After a while, he was seen all alone, exercising by himself on the Garden pathway where the aerial attacks were not so intense.
Renu Babani says:
Looks like the mosquitoes had a field day today, and a full breakfast, leaving the victim helpless! It does get so irritating and somehow one wishes something can be done to get rid of these pests that decide to attack at the wrong times. Just a small reminder in regards to the picnic tomorrow, for those reading this blog tonight. Please bring a pen with you, as we may play bingo, if we get the permission.
See all of you there in the morning, be on time!
1 comment:
Looks like the mosquitoes had a field day today, and a full breakfast, leaving the victim helpless! It does get so irritating and somehow one wishes something can be done to get rid of these pests that decide to attack at the wrong times!
Just a small reminder in regards to the picnic tomorrow, for those reading this blog tonight. Please bring a pen with you,as we may play bingo, if we get the permission.
See all of you there in the morning, be on time!!!!!!
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