After a hectic, action-packed fortnight, the dull morning came as an anti-climax – more so, after the needless tamasha yesterday. Some seniors summoned Nahid Khan to tell her that there was nothing wrong about the way she conducted the exercises and that she should not take yesterday’s incident to heart. Also, should anybody fault her in future, she should promptly make way for that person to conduct the exercises in her place.
Nahid Khan needed such moral support to return to the middle and take charge of the proceedings with renewed confidence. Bapu Rane (above) was his usual frisky self while conducting the laughter rounds. Nothing else happened besides… which only reinforces the basic principle of life: To appreciate the good, we need a bit of the bad. We need an occasional dull day to cherish the fun-filled mornings.
Harish Wadhwa says:
Each day above the ground is a good day. So they say. Thanks to the Almighty for the same. Also, thanks to Kishor-bhai and Santosh-ji, the joke session makes up for everything and leaves a smile on each face.
Renu Babani says:
Today's turnout was unexepectedly low. There were more men, which rarely happens. Everyone dutifully followed the exercise routine and it was quiet on the whole. I guess, a bit of calm was needed for a change and things went smoothly. The Badmaash Company headed out for their regular tea after the exercise, although Kishor decided not to join them today. Here's to another day tomorrow. Let's see what happens!
Each day above the ground is a good day. !!! as they say. Thanks to the Almighty for the same. Blog Monster, the joke session (Thanks Kishore bhai and Santosh ji). It makes up for every thing and ensures a smile on each face.
Regards Harish
Today's turnout was unexepectedly low. There were more men,which rarely happens. Everyone dutifully followed the exercise routine, and it was quiet on the whole. I guess a bit of calm was needed for a change, and things went smoothly. The 'Badmaash company' headed out for their regular tea after the exercise, although Kishor decided not to join them today.
Here's to another day tomorrow..let's see what happens!
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