With barely a week now to go, things have begun warming up. Shekhawat-ji has already negotiated a 20% discount (approx) on entrance fees to the resort, besides having booked a 52-seater bus for the trip.
Indeed, the countdown has begun…
Meanwhile, Prakash Motwani (left) reported back for the exercises this morning, looking hale and hearty. He had created a scare during the exercises on Wednesday (see post of March 2) when he complained of giddiness and needed to rest for a while before being able to hold himself on his feet. Now it turns out that he has a problem in his inner ear which often affects his sense of balance. (Here he is seen explaining the ailment to Tara Chand-ji.) Otherwise, he claims to be fit and fine.
Ramila Mistry (right) came with prasad from a number of religious shrines her daughter, Aahuti (she’s an active ‘follower’ of this blog) had visited in Gujarat and Rajasthan recently. By this thoughtful gesture, we have benefited from the benediction of the presiding deities of Ambaji, Sachod, Ajmer Sharif, Pushkar (the only Brahma temple in the world) and Nimbarkar. Our thanks go to mother and daughter as well.
Harish Wadhwa says:
Next week is a long and very busy one for me with a major conference. Not too sure if I can make it. But forget individuals. I am sure it will be a great outing for one and all.
Dilip Babani says:
Everybody is happy about the picnic. This is the time when we really enjoy a lot. We will see mountains, greenery, river... all for Rs600. It'll be great fun!
-- Dilip
Bhaswati Bose adds:
...and we will have lots of toffees, icecream, lollipops and we will play pakraan-pakraai and hide-and-seek!
Basushree says:
Nice to see the enthusiasm for the upcoming picnic. Here's wishing everyone in advance: Have a Happy Time! And yes, go easy on the lollipops and icecream!
Next week is a long and a very busy one for me with a major conference. Not too sure if I can make it...Forget individuals...I am sure it will be a great outing for one and all.
Regards Harish
everybody is happy about picnic this is the time we really enjoy lot of fun ,outing, food, we can see mountains greenery river& that is in 600 great fun
....and we will have lots of toffees,icecreams, lollipops and we will play pakraan-pakraai and hide-and-seek!
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