The only diversion was that a bird shat on Bose. It missed his head by a couple of inches and landed splat on his right foot. Seeing the white squishy mess, Shekhawat cracked up instantly, but soon gathered himself and declared, “It must have been a flying bird.” (Big deal, flying or no flying, the damn shit was there for all to see!) Kishor Babani too was laughing his head off, but being more kind-hearted, comforted Bose, “This is in retaliation to yesterday’s blog!”
Now this should keep us thinking. If crows are also reading this blog, the mounting Page Views (on the right panel counter) must surely be inclusive of bird hits – literally. But then, Kishor-bhai had an added word of consolation: “These birds are not toilet trained. They don’t even wear chuddis (underwear)!”
Now, this provides some more food for thought.
Bhaswati Bose says:
Hopefully Kishor-bhai will bring some chuddis for the poor crows tomorrow!
Harish Wadhwa says:
Well, the bird missed the target during its aerial bombing -- straight into the gaping Bose, who was desperately awaiting breakfast. It at least landed on his foot, which was just a few inches to the right. Maybe, it will try better next time. Bose, though it is nice to train up as Survivor Man, take something better... lets have vada pav instead, with Badmaash Company. Presumably it will taste better than the white scrambled egg-like meal.
Renu Babani says:
Yes, looks like the crow had its target well-aimed and felt it was payback time. They say revenge is sweet. But this was a case of revenge is... (Let's not use the language here, shall we?) Today I decided to join the Badmaash Company for a cuppa hot tea. I am definitely not a tea lover, but decided to join them just for the company. It was fun, even for those few minutes, before signalling my husband to make a move and head home.
Dan Sharma says:
The Bird Hits. A brand new approach to blogging. It made me laugh, coming on the heels of the last blog post. These birds are considered clever. And vengeful.
Hope Kishore Bhai will bring some chaddis (preferably Huggies) for the poor crows tomorrow!
Well, the bird missed its target during aerial bombing, straight into the gaping Bose, who was desperately awaiting Breakfast !!. It atleast landed on his foot, which was just a few inches to the right. May be, it will try better next time. (Bose, though it is nice to train up as a "survivor man", take some thing better ... lets have a vada pav instead, with Badmaash company ... presumably it will taste better than the white scrambled egg like meal.
I am missing some nice jokes from Santosh ji. Regards Harish Wadhwa
Yes, looks like the crow had its target well aimed,and felt it was payback time. They say revenge is sweet, this was a case of revenge is.....(let's not use the language here shall we?)
Today Renu Babani decided to join part of the Badmash company for a cuppa hot tea. She is definitely not a tea lover, but decided to join them just for the company. It was fun even for those few minutes, before Renu signalled to her husband to make a move and head home.
The Bird Hits. A brand new approach to blogging. It made me laugh, coming on the heels of Derek's last blog. These birds are considered clever. And vengeful.
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