Nobody invited them. Drawn by the ruckus we were creating, they hovered around us for a while, giggling among themselves and finally, settling down on the cemented platform close by. Harish Wadhwa was the first to spot them and beckoned, should they want to join us.
In an instant everything changed. Gone were the tired looks and the incessant cribbing about the weather, the excessive heat and humidity. Dour faces broke into smiles as the kids matched us move for move, laugh for laugh… even imitating our intonations like “Wah!” after every exercise.
Quick on the uptake, they were everywhere in no time and especially during the Lion and Lioness Laughter round, they simply went berserk, snarling and screaming at one another. They were a joy to behold, generating such energy that unconsciously, even Arora started behaving like one of them.
And then, as suddenly as it all began, it ended. But before they left, each boy and girl was rewarded with a packet of biscuits, thanks to Kajal and Dilip Babani. Their daughter, Juhi (above) has passed her Class 10 ICSE examination with flying colours, securing 75 per cent marks. To celebrate her achievement, the proud parents distributed packets of biscuits (above) among all present. Clearly, their sacrifices for the girl (by skipping movies and picnics, particularly Kajal) while she was preparing for the exam, have paid off.
Hearty congratulations Juhi!
Harish Wadhwa says:
* Children spread infectious smiles and energy. One should have seen how all the less young became more young, no sooner than the kids joined the group. Bachche mun ke sachche. Love your attitude kids!
Today’s tea session was no less interesting -- Arora-ji striking a chord with Khosla-ji (new acquaintance). Arora-ji has a knack of making new friends merely with his smile and words. Wow! Dilip-bhai, Bose Babu and I had a great time too, enjoying the special adrak ki chai. Wah kya baat hai!
* Juhi's achievement is no less. Hearty congratulations to her, for passing the Xth standard ICSE board exams with flying colours. I am sure she will excel in all walks of life and make her parents proud. Keep it up!
Srichand Arora says:
Congratulations JUHI dear. We all Laughter Club members are sure of you conquering the sky one day. Congratulations once again, your dear parents too. God bless you all.
Children spread infectious smiles and energy. One should have seen how all the ‘less young’, became ‘more young’, no sooner the kids joined the group. Bache man ke sache….Love your attitude kids…..
Today’s Tea session was no less interesting. Arora ji striking a chord with Khosla ji (new acquaintance). Aroraji has a knack of making new friends merely with his smile and words. Wow!. Dilip Bhai, Bose Babu and I had a great time too, enjoying the special ‘Adrak ki Chai’ ….. Wah kya baat hai….
Regards Harish
Juhi's achievement is no less...Hearty congratulations to her, for passing the Xth standard ICSE board exans with flying colours. I am sure she will excel in all walks of life, and make her parents proud. Keep it up.
Regards Harish
Congratulatios J U H I dear. We all of Laughter Club members are sure of achieving the sky one day. Congratulation on again u dear perents too. G B U
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