However, if there was any reason to still feel positive, it was because of good old Purushottam Sharma (above) showing up out of the blue and giving us a pleasant surprise. We were meeting after the Royal Garden Resort picnic of April 23. He had arrived from Delhi last evening and is on his way to London for a month.
Sharma-ji cannot say for certain how long he will be in Mumbai this time. We can only hope and look forward to his presence every morning – if only to join us in our hour of misery at the Garden -- for as long as he is here.
Says Harish Wadhwa:
It was indeed a dull morning today and very hot and sultry. Just didn't feel like stepping out to exercise. Phunti maari!
Says Renu Babani:
The weather is getting to everyone these days. However, I guess it is normal to grumble and complain despite knowing that we shouldn't expect any sign of relief so soon. The turnout at the Garden was slighly better and the small chatter kept things going. Kishor's music system got some competition when Renu (right) decided to turn on her music from her cell-phone. Some commented that they didn't know which music to listen to and it did look funny watching members looking both sides, rather bemused at what was going on.
Today it was indeed a dull morning and very hot & sultry. Just did'nt feel like stepping out to exercise...Phunti Maari...Harish
The weather is getting to everyone these days. However, I guess it is normal to grumble and complain, despite knowing that we shouldn't expect any sign of relief so soon.
The turnout at the garden today was slighly better, and the small chatter kept things going.
Kishor's music system got some competition when Renu decided to turn on her music from her cell phone. Some commented that they didn't know which music to listen to, and it did look funny watching members looking both sides, rather bemused at what was going on.
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