It was verily a women’s day as not a moment was lost between them on pulling up one another with a torrent of madcap jokes and jibes, leaving the five men stumped for words. If it was the
Nahid Khan became “Nahid-bhai” – not because she was the boss while conducting the exercises (below, right), but for carrying so much gold on her person.
“Chalega!” Nafisa Sayed interjected promptly.
There was simply no stopping the ladies today as they went on and on. Even the Gujarati Mataji joined the banter, after enacting “Hai mera dil!” in true filmy style. At one point, during the Silent Laughter round, Nahid had to call the chatterboxes to order by shouting “Khamosh!” Instantly, Nafisa shouted back, “Khamosh!” and mimicking Shatrughan Sinha, added: “Jali ko aag kehte hain, bujhi ko raakh kehte hai…” Now, who can keep a straight face with this kind of madness around?
Renu Babani says:
It's like they always say,'Women Rule'. Let's face it, there are always more ladies during the morning exercises. However, I guess the men felt overpowered today and decided to just keep quiet and hear the constant chatter of the women. I am sure they realised that women can talk about everything and anything!
Anonymous says:
Hi! Good job! Wuzzap?
It's like they always say,'women Rule'. Let's face it, there are always more ladies during the morning exercises, so it shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone.
However, I guess the men did feel overpowered today, and decided to just keep quiet and hear the constant chatter of the women.
I am sure they realised, that women can talk about everything and anything, is really true!
Hi !!! Good job!
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