Or so it would seem, considering that news of Arora’s arrival dominated all discussions this morning. Every few minutes, someone or the other would remind the busybodies that this was the last day for all their fun and games. “Do all your talking today because from tomorrow you will have to be on your guard,” cautioned Nahid Khan while conducting the exercises.
With people like Bapu Rane, Geeta Sardhana, Bhaswati Bose and the Babani brothers adding fuel to fire, the warnings assumed hilarious overtones -- more so, with assurances from some that “Arora-ji is after all Geeta’s bhai-sah’b now”. Yusuf Rassiwala added that there's really nothing to fear since Arora should be a reformed man after the Singapore trip. Still, a visibly panic-stricken Santosh Tyagi could not help remarking, “Kal se curfew lag jayegi.” Ultimately, it took the mischievous mind of Kishor Babani to provide some relief: “When Arora visits the toilet during the exercises, I will bolt the door from outside and run for my life out of the Garden!”
It is only out of true love and a feeling of oneness that people can dare to think of taking such liberties. That Arora is being missed will become evident from the turnout at the Garden tomorrow.
Renu Babani:
I cannot believe how much Mr Arora is being missed considering that he was the topic of discussion this morning. Let's admit that no matter what comments/remarks are made about him, it goes to show what an important member he is to us. We enjoy teasing this gentleman who takes everything good naturedly because he has no choice. I am sure he has had a great trip while with his family and it is now time for him to join us once again -- the Big Laaf family. Welcome back!
Dilip Babani:
Our beloved principal is coming tomorrow. Everybody is happy because we will get nice, imported chocolates to eat. I think Geeta will get a special gift from her brother -- maybe, two chocolates! Chocolates are delicious. Arora-ji is coming. Everybody is feeling like the eldest man of the family is coming. We are excited to meet Arora-ji and listen to stories of his Singapore experience.
Bhaswati Bose:
Welcome back Arora-ji! I hope Kiran-ji comes with you to the Garden. Rest assured, attendance tomorrow will be 100 per cent.
Renu Babani: I cannot believe how much Mr Arora is being missed considering the fact that he was the topic of discussion this morning. However, let's admit it that no matter what comments/remarks are made regarding him, goes to show what an important member he is amongst us. We enjoy teasing this gentleman who takes everything good naturedly because he has no choice. I am sure he had a great trip while with his family and now time for him to join us once again-the big laaf family! Welcome back
our beloved principal is comming tomorrow.everybody is happy because nice cholates all will getr to eat. imported choclates.
i think geeta will geeet something special gift from brother may be 2 choclates.choclates r delicious.arroraji is comming ,everbodys feeling is like eledest man of our laughing club family is comming , all members r excited to meet arroraji& listen to his stories of singapore exprience
dilip babani
Welcome back Arora ji! I hope Kiran ji also comes with him to the garden.Rest assured attendance tomorrow will be 100%.
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