Razia Khan has often tried to separate them and put an end to their non-stop jabber – to the extent of threatening to make the most talkative one stand in the middle. Of course, there are a few indulgent souls who feel that it is not fair to pick on the three because the Club gives them the only opportunity and license to relive their childhood. Besides, others are also ‘guilty’ of taking liberties in various degrees. In fact, many would concede that even in their childhood, they had not played the fool as much as they do these days at the Garden.
Thus it came as no surprise today that Nahid Khan should refuse to share space with Razia in the middle because “two swords cannot occupy the same sheath”. And that Srichand Arora would argue that there can always be “two plaits while braiding the hair” and Razia agreeing, just as there are two eyes and two ears to a face, but one nose, one mouth and one heart... “But it takes two hearts to be in love,” countered Arora.
Renu Babani:
Honestly, the main culprit who feels that without talking there is no fun is our dear Bathuni Mrs Bose (left). She can have an entire conversation till the completion of the whole exercise and still have more to say. Her sidekicks are invariably
"Kuch toh log kahenge,
Logon ka kaam hai kehna..."
Dilip Babani:
Don't blame my sweet and innocent wife, Kajal (left). In Bhaswati's company, she gets spoiled. But there should be some entertaining people also. Otherwise life would become dull. Kajal is hazir-jawaab. When Bhaswati, Kajal and Renu-bhabi want to talk and do some masti, they should do it and make themselves happy. Nobody should object to it.
Bhaswati Bose:
"Jinke ghar sheeshey ke bane ho, Woh doosron ke gharo pe patthar nahi martey!"
Kajal Babani: Depends upon the size of the patthar!
Renu Babani: honestly the main culprit who feels that without talking there is no fun is our dear 'Bathuni' Mrs Bose. She can have an entire conversation till the completion of the whole exercise and still have more to say. Her 'sidekicks' are invariably Geeta, Monty and who ever is beside her. Yes it is all in fun despite constant criticism and gentle chiding. No one bothers to abide by the words 'quiet please' because it doesn't exist in our dictionary. We have our fun and at least return home light hearted and happy not forgetting the silly grins on our faces for no valid reason!
Kuch toh log kahenge
logo ka kaam hai kehna....
dont blame my sweet& innocent wife,in baswati company she gets spoiled.but there should be some entetaning people also onterwise life become dull.kajal is hazir jawab.baswati kajal& renu babhi wants to talk& do some masti they should do it& make themself happy.nobody should object it.
dilip babani
"jinke ghar sheeshey ke bane ho,
woh dosro ke gharo pe petthar nahi marte!"
Kajal Babani: depend upon the size of the pathar
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