While Bapu Rane, Pratap Bhatt and others did a post-mortem of the civic poll results declared yesterday, Jagmohan Papneja got Tara Chand, Ved Prakash Grover and Harish Wadhwa interested in a Rotary event at Juhu for this evening. Simultaneously, another group debated over Manwani’s invite to ISKCON auditorium where a four-hour variety programme, including a play, is being staged tomorrow.
But the one to hold centre-stage was Hari Singh Shekhawat, who was gheraoed by ladies (top pic) curious about the Mumtaz-Tasleem catfight on Thursday (yesterday’s post) and now wanted a blow-by-blow account from him. Shekhawat was only too happy to oblige and with dramatic flourish, underlined his role in diffusing the situation. In a sense, some clarity was needed on this incident because rumours are already flying thick and fast (with exaggerations, of course) over what had transpired (and had not) between the warring women.
The discussions were taken to the Wisdom Tree, under which the Badmaash Company has been meeting for cutting-chai every morning. For the record, Monthi Serrao became its new convert today, thanks mainly to the persuasive skills of Harish and the reassuring presence of two ladies, Santosh Tyagi and Bhaswati Bose (in pic, above). Besides, we must appreciate that Monthi is a woman of her word. On February 16, she had promised to join the B-Company over tea on Saturday and very graciously, she kept her appointment today.
Renu Babani's PICSPEAK:
* Listen, what I say is not funny! Why do you look so amused?
* See, the Badmaash Co has acquired another feather in its cap: They added a new entrant. Kudos!
Harish Wadhwa:
* The women seem to be enjoying the narration of the cat fight from Shekhawat-ji. Look at the sparkling eyes of astonishment on Bhaswati-ji's face! Aisa hua tha kya? The reason for the brawl is still a mystery though.
* Thanks Monthi-ji, for joining the tea group this morning. Please come more often. You are right Blog Monster, the two ladies gave her company and assurance while she was with the most notorious yet young and handsome men in town (Ho-Ho...LOL)!
* Santosh-ji seems to be really thrilled with her new home at Indra Darshan. Aaap kanji kab banaoge? Ab toh taarif bhi kar di... Holi bhi nazdeek hai. Abhi se doh-chaar balti/ drum bananey ke liye rakh dijiye. Dhoop sekne mein samaye lagega.
* Kishor-da and Renu-ji, hope you are enjoying your trip. Looking forward to hearing a lot of masala stories on your return.
* We all wish Hari Naraiyani-ji good health since he was not feeling too well at the Garden. Looking forward to Arora-ji joining on Monday.
The women seem to be enjoying the murmur and narration of the cat fight from Shekhawat-ji. Look at the sparkling eyes and astonishment on Bhaswati-ji's face! Aisa hua tha kya...?. The reason for the brawl is still a mystery to all.
Thanks Monthi-ji for joining our tea-group this morning. Please come more often. You are right Blogmonster, that the two ladies gave her company and assurance, that she was amongst the most notorious, yet young & handsome men in town.(Ho Ho..LOL).
We all wish Hari Narayani-ji good health, as he was not feeling too well at the garden. Looking forward to Arora-ji joining on Monday.
Kishor-da & Renuji, hope you are enjoying your trip. Looking forward to hearing a lot of masala stories on your return.
Santosh-ji seems to be really thrilled with her new home at Indra-darshan. Aaap Kanji kab banaoge, ab to tarif bhi kar di !.
Santosh-ji ab to holi bhi nazdik hai. Abhi se do-char balti/ drum banane ke liye rakh dijiye. Dhoop sekne mein samaye lagega.
Renu Babani: Pic Speaks: listen what I say is not funny, why do you look so amused?
See the Badmaash Co. Has acquired another feather in its cap, they added a new entrant, kudos!
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