Essentially, the Memorandum of Association lists out the aims and objectives of the Club, membership terms, powers and responsibilities of the managing committee, duties of each office bearer, maintenance of accounts… generally, the rules and regulations that should ensure the smooth functioning of the Club.
For all intents and purposes, this important document would serve as the club's Constitution for all time.
Away from all the serious work, at a distance (right) a middle-aged man had put up a strange break-dance performance, as though possessed by evil spirits. We have seen this man earlier working out solo and occasionally breaking into frenetic bouts of stationary jogging. But today, he turned up with an old man sporting a full beard and pony tail. They exercised together for a while, before Pony Tail whispered something in his ears and walked away.
After that it seemed like the devil had got into the man and he kept bobbing up and down, jerking his body uncontrollably and making a sudden sideways dash to the left, then to the right… Pratap Bhatt got so mesmerized by the sight that he simply froze on his way to the loo. Only after Shekhawat and Arora assured him that a “goddess” (devi) had got into the man did Bhatt look a little relieved. But he did not go to the loo!
Srichand Arora:
We should never forget the help rendered by Mr Bose and Mr Harish to complete this Memorandum. Not in this Memorandum only, but they have helped us in all respects towards forming BIG LAAF. I personally, and on behalf of the Managing Committee and all members, thank them and we wish them all the best. God bless you, dear Derek and HARISH.
Dilip Babani:
Arora-ji you are 1000% correct. Without Bose and Harish, our Laughing Club is incomplete. Other members are also very loving and helpful.
Big Laaf replies:
Shut up, Dilip! We don't know about Harish, but of Bose we can say, he is a confirmed donkey -- the joker in the pack who pretends he knows too much. He knows nothing and makes a fool of people like you. Don't forget he is a black, ugly Bengali and wears glasses. He knows kala jadoo and uses it mercilessly on you and Arora-ji. You'd know the truth once you start coming to the Garden regularly.
we should never forget the help rendered by our dear Mr Bose and Mr. Harish to complete this Memorandum. Not this Memorandum only but they have helped us in all the respect to form this BIG LAAF. I PERSONALLY AND ALSO ON BEHALF OF MANAGING COMMITTEE AND ALL THE MEMBERS, THANKS THEM FOR HELPING US TO FORM THIS AND WISH THEM ALL THE BEST. GOD BLESS YOU DEAR DEREK & HARISH.
aroraji u r 1000% correct
without bose& harish our laughing club is incomplete.even all the members r very loving& helpfull.
dilip babani
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