To many of us, the laughter exercises of our neighbors came as eye-openers. We do not mimic the Charlie Chaplin waddle, or the act of pouring lassi, hold our ears for no reason or say, shoot an invisible arrow or slap our thighs while trying to walk awkwardly...
Whatever the benefits of these comical acts, they surely raised many laughs among first-timers – more so, when they failed to catch up with the breathless pace of our hosts.
We also discovered that they too have a jokes' session like us to sign off the exercises. Kishor Babani pitched in from our side with his HDFC joke. Hari Naraiyani did not exercise, but wandered around, shaking hands with old friends. Yusuf Rassiwala looked a past master with the new set of exercises, as were Hari Singh Shekhawat, Razia Khan and Santosh Tyagi. The best part was the lusty rap number sung at the end by an elderly gentleman. “Oh my dear, come on near…” he intoned, while everyone else clapped along in unison. Perhaps we too must try this after our exercises with Harish Wadhwa leading a male chorus… or should it be Sitaram Hivarkar?
Renu Babani's PICS-SPEAK:
* "We can adjust wherever we go. A group that is able to join in and be a part of the crowd!"
[P.S.: Yes, it was interesting to watch some new exercises which were really different. Thank you, the members of Garden No 2 for inviting us and making us feel welcome.]
Harish Wadhwa:
Unke paas nayee exercises hain toh kya hua?
Unki exercises hamse tez hain toh kya hua?
Unke paas bhi jokes aur shayari hai to kya hua?
Hamare paas apna blog aur Ganju-Panju hai.
Hamare paas baatein, baatein aur zyada baatein hai.
Hamare paas Badmaash Company hai.
Hamare paas dilwale log hain. Balle Balle!!!
Srichand Arora:
* I agree, some of their exercises are really good. So let us discuss with our group in the Garden and if all agree, we may try out some of them. But then, we might have to reduce all our repeat actions in order to provide time for the new laughter exercises. I agree with our Harish-ji also, that hamare paas toh bahut kuchh hai.
* I am really thankful to all in Garden 2 for the warm welcome extended to Big Laaf members. Thanks a lot, Mr Jain especially.
Harish Wadhwa adds:
Arora-ji, let us include some of their exercises in our routine. It will make things more interesting and quick!
Unke pas nayee exercises hain to kya hua ?
Unki exercises hamse tez hain to kya hua ?
Unke pas bhi joke aur shayari hai to kya hua ?.
Hamare pas Apna Blog aur Ganju-Panju hai.
Hamare pas Batein, batein aur zyada batein hai.
Hamare pas Badmaash company hai.
Hamare pas dil-wale log hain.
Balle Balle...!
Pic Speaks: (all the pics)
We can adjust where ever we are. A group that is able to join in and be a part of the crowd!
p.s.(yes it was interesting to watch some new exercise,which were really different. Thank you to the members of Garden No.2 for inviting us and making us feel welcome)
I agree with u Mr. Bose, some of the excersices are really good and let us discuss with the group in the garden and if all agreed upon we will also try some of them. But then we have to reduce all our repeat actions to have some time for these new laughter actions. I also agree with our Harish ji that hamare paas to bahut kuchh hai
I am really thank full you all of Garden 2 for such a warm welcome to Big Laaf members. Thanks a lot Mr. Jain specially
Arora-ji, lets include some of their exercises in our routine. It will make it more interesting and quick.
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