Monday, August 13, 2012

Mental Match

Tara Chand Seth is back at the Garden after five months. He had left for Delhi on March 7 for what was supposed to be a short “pre-summer vacation”. But he got caught in a series of family issues -- some happy, some tragic -- which made it obligatory for him to extend his stay. As he says, he had to make a few trips in and out of Delhi also. And in a couple of months, he would again have to be in Delhi, for a wedding.
While everyone was happy at having Tara Chand back (see pic) after such a long time, Srichand Arora was particularly overjoyed. For, it was like finding his mental match again. Few are aware of the special equation they share in terms of emotional rapport and sensibilities. In fact, if there is one person in the Club who can measure up to Arora’s witticisms and wise cracks word for word, it is Tara Chand.
Sample this. While casually giving Tara Chand an update for the period of his absence from the Club, Arora suddenly pulled a fast one. “We are trying to fix a ladki for Grover-sa’ab”, he informed. Quick on the uptake, Tara Chand suggested making that “two ladkis” – unless of course, Grover would agree to share with him the one he gets. “I will need her only to make roti, nothing else,” he assured Arora, eyes twinkling with mischief.
Now, what can anyone say to this?
Renu Babani's PICSPEAK:
"I'm back, with 'my family'. It feels great!"
Harish Wadhwa:
Welcome back Tara Chand-ji, our most senior member. Nice to see you back rejoining the morning exercises with all of us.


Anonymous said...

Renu Babani: Pic speaks:

I'm back, with 'my family' and it feels great

Harish Wadhwa said...

Welcome back our most senior member Tarachand-ji. Nice to see you back rejoicing the morning exercises with all of us.